Ignored: Stenbrough

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please please please, i started writing this book over a year ago. some of my old oneshots are hoRribly written and have horrendous plots. so PLEASE skip until some of my later works. i think the shots when i stop using uppercase letters are a lot more well written ( you can tell if they're in lowercase based on the titles! )so i'd recommend reading those first!


Bills P.O.V:
" So I went home afterwards and just slept until like twelve the next afternoon." Stan said, tucking some curls behind his ear. I averted my gaze downwards, nodding in understanding of his story. I stayed quiet. " It was literally the best sleep I've had in ages though." He said, sighing blissfully. All was quiet, for a few. I wished it could've stayed like that forever.

Unfortunately, Stan took one of my hands in his, squeezing it lightly. I kept my gaze downwards, my lips doing the same. " So, how'd your day go?" He asked, keeping my hand tightly in his. I felt my cheeks go red, as I didn't want to attract unwanted attention to myself. He squeezed again, as if I hadn't heard. He raised his other hand, smiling widely, and poked me in the cheek. I moved my head away, not liking the contact. He giggled. " Jellybean, you in there?" He asked. I gulped, my mouth still turned into a tight frown. I didn't want to talk. Not now. Not ever.

Stan's dimples vanished, as well as his frown, which was replaced by a thin line. " Jellybean? You alright?" He pressed, his voice concerned and holding no laughter this time. He tightened his grip on my hand, more like as f he were holding on for dear life. Still, I stayed quiet. " Bill." I looked up, my heart beginning to pound in my chest instead of the usual flutter I'd been feeling all day long. Stan's eyes were wide, worry swimming around his honeycomb orbs. He frowned, tightening his grip on my hand even more to the point that it hurt. I began to get a little lightheaded, inhaling on last sharp breath before stopping my airflow completely.

" Bill." Stan said, his voice calm, yet worrisome. " Bill breathe." I didn't listen, something everyone had been doing to me nowadays. Stan let go of my hand, blood rushing into my palm where it'd been cut off. " Bill I'm serious. It's not healthy." He grabbed onto my shoulders, as I exhaled loudly. He relaxed a little, although I could tell he was still worried. " Jellybean... what's wrong?" He asked. I felt frustrated tears cloud my vision. I was just so annoyed. How was I expected to talk, when all anyone did was ignore me, or pay little to no attention to what I was saying?

" BILL!" Stan yelled, as I stood up and began to run down the street. Stan and I had been sitting on the curb, halfway between his street and mine. We always met there at exactly 8:00pm everyday, no matter then circumstances. We'd been there for about twenty minutes, before Stan had noticed that I was quiet. Well, more quiet then usual.

You see, I'd learnt the hard way, that no one really wants to hear what happened to what grade you got on your geo test. Or what amazing drawing idea you came up with. Or what plans you'd made with your friends. I was always either interrupted, ignored, or straight up told to shut up.

So, I'd decided to make a pact with myself. No more talking. If no one wanted to hear it, then why bother? Besides, with that awful stutter... I was probably doing everyone a favour.

" BILL!" Stan yelled. I didn't bother turning around, instead focusing on staying as far ahead of him as possible. I picked up my pace, already panting hard. I was on the soccer team though, so I considered myself to have good endurance.

Unfortunately for me, Stan was on track. He caught up so quick, I was almost sent head first into the cold hard pavement. He grabbed the back of my shirt, slowing down my pace immensely. I wriggled out of his grasp, managing to release his grip on my shirt. I sped up again, tearing off of the road and into the park we happened to be running past. Along the side ran a big forest, Derry Wood. Derry used to be a beaver trapping town, so it made sense that we had so many trees.

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