city boy: reddie

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this is the first chpt for my new(ish) reddie book!

city boy - reddie

many more chapters have alreddie been published on that account, and tbh it gets better then this crappy chpt, so if u like this then check it out!

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third person's p.o.v

deep breaths. richie clutched his sweater close to his chest as he inhaled loudly, fighting the urge to just run. he knew it'd only get harder the longer he waited. therefore, he pushed open the heavy metal doors, and stepped inside.

the school was insane. or that was how richie saw it. his eyes widened behind his thick coke-bottle glasses, his slender red lips falling open as he stared in awe at the scene around him. his headphones, which he had hung loosely around his neck, brushed against his skin, sending shivers running down his spine. he looked around, swallowing in everything around him.

the walls were completely covered, from the caulking running along the ceiling to caulking running along the floor, in artwork. murals, graffiti-style pieces, portraits, landscapes. too many colours and shades for ones mind to comprehend. his old school had had plain beige walls running around the entire complex, so it was rather overwhelming to the young freshman.

the colours were loud, but they didn't speak as loudly as the people around him. freshmen zoomed by in rapid blurs, some giggling, some screaming, some singing at the tops of their lungs. there was a group of what must've been senior kids (it was grade nine day, so only freshmen had lessons the first day) playing some instrumental piece to the side of the wide hallway. richie wondered if they were asked by the principal or someone to come in and play, or, if it was just what they did.

" why do i feel like i just walked into an episode of victorious?" he mumbled under his breath, looking at the lively environment around him. he heard a snort of laughter at his left and turned his head so fast he nearly gave himself whiplash, his wide eyes locking onto two sapphire-like irises. the girl was smiling brightly at him, her eyes twinkling in the bright school lights, as she tucked a fiery red curl behind her ear. richie's heart hammered in his chest, begging him to just do something. he ended up cracking her a crooked grin, to which she stifled another laugh and skipped away, leaving richie a blubbering mess in her wake. he sniffed, tightened his hold on his sweater, and ventured deeper into the premise.

with every step richie took in his tattered sketchers sneakers down the squeaky clean hallway, the more uncomfortable he grew. the first thing he picked up on was that everyone alreddie appeared to have made friends. the young kids were forming cliques around groups lockers, shooting anyone glares who came near them, as they'd alreddie claimed the storage spaces for themselves. no one seemed nearly as lost and lonesome as richie was. his chest began to tighten as he took stiff steps down the hall, looking at the children who were acting as if they'd known each other since the moment they'd popped out of the womb. maybe if i wasn't such an awkward fuck, i'd be talking to that girl right now. he thought as he fearfully looked around.

" alright alright! grade nines please head to class after you've picked a locker and written the locker number on your schedule!" someone yelled, richie's head snapping sideways again in the direction of the voice. a broad man, with one of those curly moustaches that richie had only ever seen in video games before, was in the middle of the main hallway. he looked like a traffic cop to richie, redirecting stream after stream of students to their correct classrooms. " remember! its day one today! please go to your day one class- no no no the band room is this way- no arts are-" richie tuned out, fumbling with his own backpack to attempt and find the schedule he'd printed out at home.

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