swim: reddie

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richie's p.o.v.

i shifted uncomfortably on the warm rock i was sitting on, grumbling something along the lines of i fucking hate it here. i drew my knees to my chest, hugging them close as i rested my head atop of them. my eyes stayed glued to the rock, not interested in anything else going on around me. i could've sworn, i always got like that when i was on my period. 

mike had to physically drag me out of bed that morning, saying something along the lines of we'll all miss you if you don't come. but frankly, i didn't really give a single shit if they 'missed me'. i just wanted to stay in bed, moaning about my cramps while eating buckets of mint chip ice cream. but no, i had to go swimming of course. because my opinion was always invalid! it was always about what mike and will and stan and bill and eddie wanted to do (except i wasn't mad at eddie, i loved him too much to ever be mad at him.) but still! didn't they get that i didn't wanna go? 

i huffed quietly, shutting my eyes and trying to will the agonizing pulse in my lower abdomen to disperse. come on, go away. i groaned in my head, although stayed completely silent in real life. my shirt was wet and uncomfortable, sticking to my sopping skin. i wanted nothing more then to rip it off and be free like the others, who were all shirtless, but i wasn't about to be sitting there in my chest binder. it felt uncomfortable, wrapped around my wet skin. i waited impatiently for when we could go home, and i could shower and put on a clean and dry one. but no, we had to sit on uncomfortable rocks for half an hour, because that's what everyone else wanted to do. 

my eyes stayed shut, but i could hear someone talking incredibly loudly. it was beyond irritating. i stayed silent however, hugging my knees tighter in hopes of crushing the pain out of my abdomen. The voice grew louder and louder, and my eyes snapped open. stan was pacing back and forth in front of us, reciting something in english and another language (most likely hebrew, but who knew how many languages that try hard knew.) i let out another small huff, feeling my anger rise and my patience ware thin. 

" uh, stan?" mike said, my eyes rolling to the back of my head at the sound. i wanted nothing more to push my brother into the cold quarry waters, but i knew that was just the period talking and that was irrational. i stayed quiet, still watching stan. " could you-uh-maybe do that later?" mike said quietly, and i wanted to yell at him to speak louder! but again, i didn't. i stayed calm, stayed quiet. and controlled my anger. c'mon richie, keep calm-

" STAN SHUT THE FUCK UP!" i roared, before slapping my hand over my mouth when i realized what i'd done. my skin hissed as i'd slapped it rather forcefully, and i dug my long nails into my cheek. i was breathing heavily, my eyes wide behind my thick glasses. i watched as stan slowly swayed where he was standing, his speech stopping. i felt bad, but i could still feel my anger boiling over beneath the surface.

" r-richie! w-what's y-your problem!?" bill cried, jumping up and looking at me. i looked up at bill, who's face was bright pink. he breathed heavily through his nose, and i saw stan fall onto the ground behind him. i felt my face glow red with anger, my eyes narrowing behind my thick glasses, as i stood up from the rock. i towered a good few inches over bill, looking down at him with eyes like fire. 

" YOUR FUCKING BOYFRIEND IS MY PROBLEM!" i cried, breathed heavily through my mouth. bill jumped, taking a step back. he glanced behind him at stan, gasping when he saw him passed out on the dirt floor. i was immediately forgotten as bill crouched over, rolling stan onto his back to further examine the passed out boy. i groaned loudly, stomping away from them. "i'm going home!" i cried, announcing it to no one in particular to be honest. there is no way, absolutely zero circumstances that could make me stop and turn around-

" chee?" eddie said, his voice tender and caring. i stopped, a good few feet away from the group by then. i gave a quiet sigh, feeling the flush in my cheeks subside at the sound of his gentle voice, as well as my anger melt away. i slowly turned back around, looking at him. but i was surprised to see that eddie wasn't looking at me, but at the rock. more specifically that part i'd been sitting on, because there was a large red stain that was slowly starting to drip down the side of the rock and onto the dirt ground. my heart sped up, pounding against my ribcage. 

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