Nervous: Stenbrough

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please please please, i started writing this book over a year ago. some of my old oneshots are hoRribly written and have horrendous plots. so PLEASE skip until some of my later works. i think the shots when i stop using uppercase letters are a lot more well written ( you can tell if they're in lowercase based on the titles! )so i'd recommend reading those first!

Bills P.O.V:
I extended a bloody fist, gripping my house key tightly as I turned it in the lock. I pushed open the door, pulling out my key and stumbling into the house.

" Bill?! Oh my fucking god, Bill?" Stan said, running over. " Where the hell have you been? What the hell happened?" He questioned, putting one arm around my waist to support me. I grimaced, he must've touched a bruise, so I pulled away. Stan looked at me. I couldn't read his expression.

" I was h-hit by a car. N-n-no biggie." I said, brushing it off like my hands weren't hurting like crazy. Stan's unreadable eyes widened and he grabbed onto my forearms. It didn't hurt to bad so I let him.

" You got hit by a car?" Stan turned my arms over to examine my hands. The palms were red and raw. It looked like something out of a horror film. Stan seemed unfazed by it, being the cool and collected guy that he was. " How did that happen?" He asked, walking with me into the kitchen. I may have been a little bigger then Stan, but he was still the strong one of the relationship.

" Um... I was b-b-biking home from work, when a car j-jumped a st-st-stop sign. It drove r-right into me." I explained, hissing as Stan sprayed an antibacterial spray on my bloody palms. He nodded, turning away for a second to grab some bandage.

" You have to be more careful Billy." Stan said, using is usual warning tone. Stan was always telling me off for stuff: biking too quickly, not wearing gloves while cooking, not washing my hands before dinner. He kept me in order.

" I know." I answered, watching Stan wrap my hands carefully with the white bandage. That's when I noticed something was wrong. Stan's hands were shaking. Ever so slightly at first, but soon they were vibrating dramatically. I gulped, looking down at Stan. His head was facing downwards, since he was wrapping my hands, but I could see that it was pale. His hair was in tatters, and for the first time in forever, Stan looked very very nervous. I broke into a sweat just looking at him.

" Snuggle bug?" I asked, using his nickname to lighten the mood. Stan didn't really answer, just kind of grunted in response. " You okay? Y-you're shaking worse then an earthquake." I said, chuckling at the end.

Stan suddenly dropped the bandage, bringing his hands to his face. He just started sobbing, surprising the hell out of me. I hadn't seen Stan like this since that day at Neibolt when we were just kids. I hopped off the counter, knitting my brows together in worry, as I gently pulled his trembling hands away from his face. He gulped, sobs still tumbling from his lips and tears still pouring from his eyes. I gripped his face gently, continuously wiping the ongoing tears from his reddening cheeks. He looked into my eyes, revealing to me how scared he was. I felt my heart shatter for my terrified boy.

I let go of his face, wrapping my arms securely around his waist. He gripped onto the back of my shirt, burying his face in my shoulder. " Snuggle bug w-what's wrong?" I questioned, gently rubbing his back soothingly. I have to admit, it felt weird holding Stan in my arms, listening to him cry. I usually wasn't much of a nervous guy, I didn't cry much, but usually it would've been our rolls reversed. He tightened his grip on the back of my shirt, gasping for air in between sobs.

" Do y-y-you have any idea h-how late you are?" Stan cried, trembling against me. I held him tighter to keep him still. " I was so so so scared Bill. I th-thought something happened to you. I thought I'd n-n-never see you again." Stan got out in between sobs. I clenched my eyes shut, realizing that I would usually have been home hours ago. I had to walk for ages since my bike got wrecked. Also I had been limping for most of it. I rubbed his back, shushing him quietly.

" Snuggle b-bug. I pr-pr-promise you. It'll take more then a st-st-stupid car crash to take me fr-from you." I whispered, stroking his curly hair gingerly. Stan shook his head, another sob leaving his mouth. I frowned, worried about Stan.

" What If... what if next time it-it-it's not a car? What if that... what if... it, comes back?" He asked, sobbing loudly at the end. " I can't lose you Billy," he wailed, " I just can't." My vision got clouded with tears as I tightened my grip on him even more.

" Stan, you can't think like that. " I whispered, not wanting to risk my tears spilling for Stan's sake. " There is nothing on this earth, in the universe, that will keep me from you. Absolutely nothing. You will never lose me." I whispered, blinking away the tears welling in my eyes. Stan sniffled, his sobbing having stopped.

" Are you sure?" He asked, barley a whisper. I could hear the fear in his words, something I hadn't heard from him in forever.

" 100% sure." I assured, sighing as I stroked his hair. We stayed like that for a few seconds before I attempted to pull away, only to realize Stan's grip on me was tighter then before.
" Well, snuggle bug. W-we really have to get b-back to dressing my wounds." I whispered into his ear, wrapping my arms loosely around him again. He shook his head, his noodles tickling my chin.

" I don't want you to leave me yet." He whispered. I smiled softly, gripping him tightly.

" Stan-"

" Please Bill?" He said. I smiled, simply resting my head on top of his and sighing. I felt his fear melt away, just leaving us. To face it. Together.

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