birthday: stenbrough

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bill's pov:

this had not been how i'd pictured stan's birthday: sitting in an armchair, a duffle bag full of me and stan's stuff on my lap, waiting for him to wake up. i sighed, watching him sleep peacefully. well, as peaceful as you can get when you're legs being suspended in the air and a giant cast is holding your leg in place.

not even a day beforehand, i'd been in the kitchen making dinner when i'd heard a crash from upstairs. followed by a scream. followed by crying. it was rare to hear stanley cry at the oldened age of 23 (well, now 24 since the next day had been his birthday) so i was up there faster then light. turns out, he'd slipped on one of my t-shirt's that i'd left on the floor after changing, and shattered his patella. or, more commonly called, his kneecap bone.

so, there i was: it was 6:46 AM, july 13th 2001. i held a duffle bag in my lap, drumming my foot anxiously against the floor. last time stan had been awake, had been on the drive to the hospital. it was pretty nerve-wracking, trying to keep my eyes on the road when stan could hardly breathe since he was sobbing so hard. it took everything in me not to cry myself, especially since it was my fault that he'd slipped in the first place. but he'd have my head for thinking that.

the clock beeped quietly upon reaching 7:00 AM, matching in with all of the other beeping monitors in the room. like stan's steady heartbeat, showing up on the screen. i sighed, squeezing the duffle bag lightly. but then, i heard something amongst the beeping and booping in the room: a whimper. it was obvious that it came from stan, his head turning to the side. he whimpered again, and i was instantly worried.

"st-stanny?" i whispered, wondering if he was awake. i stood up, setting the big bag down on the empty armchair, and walked over to him. i sat down on the side of the bed, and i examined his features: closed eyes, clenching tightly shut. hair in tatters, stuck to his forehead with sweat. nose and mouth scrunched up, lips slightly parted and emitting soft whimpers. he was still asleep, but he looked upset.

"b-bill." he whimpered softly, his arms stretching out on the bed. i frowned, wondering if maybe he was awake. but, it was obvious that he wasn't. i thought for a moment, before realizing: stan was never asleep without me. stan was very much and early bird, so he was always up hours before me. so, whenever he'd wake up, i'd always be by his side. well, except for that day. "bill." he whimpered again, his body trembling.

i frowned, laying down beside him. i turned onto my side, facing him. his lower lip was trembling, sticking out further then the top. he looked like he was on the verge of tears, which worried me immensely. i carefully slid one of my lanky arms under and around his waist, pulling myself closer to him. i laid my other hand on his head, gently stroking to the curls.

"shh st-stanny i'm h-here." i said quietly, hoping to coax him to stay asleep. he rarely slept in, and he was up all night crying in pain. even if i wanted him to wake up so i could talk to him and say happy birthday already. he needed more sleep. he whimpered loudly, leaning into my hand. i continued stroking his curls, frowning.

"mhm... bill?" he mumbled, but it sounded less desperate and upsetting. it made me realize that he was awake. his eyes began to flutter open, warm honeycomb irises meeting mine. i smiled, stroking his hair gently.

" hey stan." i said quietly, laying my head down beside his on the pillow. "h-how're you f-f-feeling?" i asked softly, hoping to keep him relaxed. i knew how badly breaking a bone hurt, having broken a couple myself when i was a younging. so shattering one... must've hurt like hell.

"okay." he mumbled sleepily. he shut his tired eyes, moving his head closer to mine so that our foreheads were pressed together. i smiled, setting my hand on the back of his head and twirling his curls around, holding onto his waist with the other. "what happened?" he asked softly, keeping his eyes shut. i frowned, studying his face.

" w-what do you mean?" i asked quietly, continuing to softly running my fingers through his hair. he sighed, putting one arm around my waist. he tried to turn onto his side instead of his back, but his suspended leg prevented him. he whimpered loudly, turning his head up to look at it. i frowned, helping him lay back down on his back. i took his hands in mine, holding them tightly to my chest.

" like... what happened? i-i remember falling over, and my leg hurting. which it still does. but, like... i don't remember much else." he said quietly, turning his heat to the side to look at me. i frowned, squeezing his hands reassuringly. could he really not remember? i thought, worried.

" well... you slipped, and i-i heard you sc-screaming and cr-crying." i said, gently running my thumbs over his knuckles. he frowned, opening his eyes again. he looked into my eyes, nodding "s-so i drove you to th-th-the hospital, and th-they fixed y-you up w-w-with a cast. y-you sh-sh-shat-sh-sh-" i slapped my hand over my mouth, squeezing his other two hands in mine. i groaned, frustrated with my usual stutter.

"shh bill it's okay." he said, holding one of his hands in his, and lifting the other to gently take my hand off of my mouth. "just... speak slowly, okay?" he soothed, smiling reassuringly. i smiled weakly.

"... sh-sh-shattered, your p-p-patella." i said, glancing at his kneecap that was in a cast. he frowned, nodding. of course he already knew what a patella was. when they'd told me the news i'd had absolutely no idea what that was. but stan was smart like that.

"... oh." he said quietly. "okay." he said, shooting me a weak smile. it was more of a mask, to cover the pain. i frowned, stroking his knuckles gently.

"... happy birthday." i said quietly, smiling brightly at him. he frowned for a moment, before his eyes widened and he smiled shyly. his cheeks went pink, and i giggled at the sight.

" i completely forgot!" he grinned, squeezing both of my hands. i giggled quietly, kissing his cheek softly. he grinned, looking down at me. " what a marvellous way to spend a birthday, huh?" he joked, chuckling softly.

i frowned, an unwanted pang of guilt stroking my heart. i looked away from his eyes, down at his soft yellow t-shirt instead. i bit my fleshy lower lip anxiously. it was my shirt. i thought, fiddling with the jaw-strings on my black hoodie. maybe if i wasn't such a slob, then this wouldn't have happened. " bill, jellybean?" he asked softly, setting one hand on my waist and the other stroking my cheek "what's wrong?"

" it's m-my fault you sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-"

" shattered?" he said softly. i sighed, looking away from him, and nodded.

" you h-h-hurt your knee... an-and it's m-my f-f-f-fault." i muttered quietly, my eyes fixated on his shirt instead of his eyes. stan frowned, squeezing my cheeks gently in his hand and making me look up at him.

" did you want me to fall and shatter my patella?" he asked softly.

" n-no." i said, frowning. he kissed my nose lightly.

" then it's not your fault."

" b-but it w-was m-m-my shirt!" i exclaimed.

" and it was my knee." he retorted, making me roll my eyes. he frowned, squeezing my cheeks a little tighter. "bill?" he said softly "it's okay." i sighed, giving in. i looked into his eyes, my heart fluttering at the warm honeycomb. he smiled weakly, pouting at me. i giggled quietly, leaning forward and kissing his lips softly. he chuckled, shaking his head and pulling away.

" nuh uh, jellybean. i still have morning breath." he said, chuckling quietly. i giggled.

" i d-don't care." i said, laughing. he grinned, leaning over while being careful of his leg, and kissed me softly. i giggled, gently kissing back. i held onto his hands softly, which he'd dropped from my face by then. he gently kissed me, before pulling away and laying back down. he turned his head to the side to look at me. " happy birthday stanny." i said, gently wrapping my arms around his slender waist. he smiled, pecking my nose.

" thank you jellybean."

happs @IzzyT225 love you loadsss

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