Ghost: Reddie

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please please please, i started writing this book over a year ago. some of my old oneshots are hoRribly written and have horrendous plots. so PLEASE skip until some of my later works. i think the shots when i stop using uppercase letters are a lot more well written ( you can tell if they're in lowercase based on the titles! )so i'd recommend reading those first!

Be prepared to Reddie depression

Be prepared to Reddie depression

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Haha I tried. listen the music it rlly adds to the effect. Enjoy! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

tw ! severe injury & death

Richies P.O.V:
Chills ran down my spine as I grasped the brass door knob, the door creaking as it opened. I looked inside at the rotting wood, remembering every dusty corner like if there's just yesterday.
" Eddie! Eddie look at me!" I yelled, squeezing my little friends face between my sweaty palms. Eddies eyes were glued on the monster, so I snapped his head towards me. " I said look at me!" I shivered, taking one step into the house, the floor creaking beneath my feet. I stuffed my fists into the pockets of my loose Hawaiian shirt, the same shirt I'd worn last time I was in that house. Bev ran at the monster, a long staff in her hands. She smashed it into its head, penetrating through its thick bone and flesh. I shuffled down the hallway, my heart rate picking up as I moved deeper into the house. The monster turned away, clutching its face in its deformed hands. I reached the end of the long hall, peering into the large hole in the creaky floor at the end. The beast suddenly spun back around, seemingly unfazed by the huge staff in its face. Eddie shrieked. I shuddered, practically hearing the boys shrill screams. I sat on the edge of the hole in the creaky floor, swinging my legs through it. The creature ran at Eddie, seizing him in its beastly hands. I felt his face slip from my grasp, so I grabbed onto his fragile hand. I held it tight, never letting go. I put my hand down on the floor boards, pulling myself down into the room.
" Let go Richie!" The creature hollered, it's booming voice echoing off of the hollow rooms walls.
"Richie!" Some of my friends yelled as I was pulled to my feet by the vicious beast. I stood up straight, brushing my dusty palms off on my pants.
" Richie!" Eddie yelled, his hand getting slippery with sweat. " Let go!" I shook my head, tears stinging my eyes. I looked around the familiar room, sucking in a deep breath when I saw a particular spot.
" Never!" I yelled, tightening my grip on the fragile boys hand. My friends all yelled behind me, but all I could focus on was the boy with the doe eyes in the creatures arms. Tears prickled in my eyes as I stared at a specific place on the floor.
" Fine, Richie. Don't let go." The creature sneered, tightening its grip on Eddie. A large patch of dried red liquid stained the rotting wood. The creature sunk its teeth into the small boys shoulder, screaming at an almost deafening volume. I stumbled away from the red, into the furthest corner of the room. Sickening cracks and rips were heard, aswell as Eddies dying screams. My eyes stayed glued to Eddies, the colour from his doe-like ones slowing fading. I slowly sunk to my knees, my hands moving upwards to tug on my unruly curls. His arm lay in my hand, blood pouring from the end. Tears streamed down my cheeks, sobs racking my body as I tugged on my dark hair. The rest of Eddies body lay limply on the floor, where the beast has thrown him down. The beast smiled demonlike, walking out of the room. It's padded footsteps could be heard descending into the basement. The colour from Eddies eyes had completely faded. I stared at the patch of red, unable to avert my eyes. The memories came pouring back. I made a move for my Ed's, Bill grabbing my and holding me back.
" Richie! We have to go!" Bill said, tugging me away from Eddie still body. I screamed, tears streaming down my dirty cheeks.
" NO! Eddie hates the dirt, we can't leave him on the dirty floor like this!" I hollered, barley sobbing out the last part. I continued fighting against Bills restraining grasp, clawing my way closer to Eddie. His lifeless eyes were glued to mine, tears blurring out his face.
" Richie! We have to go!" Bev said, grabbing onto my arm. Mike came over, grabbing my other. With all three of them, I wasn't strong enough. I began to be pulled back, away from the house. Away from Eddie. I clenched my eyes shut, the memory of his lifeless and colourless eyes taking over my every thought. I cried and screamed as they yanked me out of the room, pulling me into the backyard. Stan slammed the door shut, completely blocking Eddie from view. I broke even more, thrashing harder in Bill, Mike and Bevs arms.
" NO! LET ME GO!" I hollered, scratching at Bevs hands until she let go. I did the same to Mike, wriggling out of Bills grasp and sprinting back up the steps. I screamed, my cry echoing off the wooden walls. I tripped on the last step, sprawling infront of the closed door. The door separating me and Ed's. That's when it really hit. Eddies gone. I screamed again. I screamed, sitting up and hugging my knees to my chest. Bill and Mike came over, Bill grabbing my wrists and Mike my ankles. I didn't thrash. I didn't scream. I just cried, imagining his colourless eyes staring back at me.
" Richie?" An almost angelic voice spoke, the sweet sound ringing in my ears. I moved my hands down my hair, opening my eyes. All was blurry from my tears, so I blinked a few times to clear my vision. A small boy stood infront of me. My heart pounded out of my chest as I stared into his eyes. He extended his arms, so I took a step closer on my wobbly knees. He stretched his arms out further, wrapping his small hands around my neck. I rested mine on his cold waist, silent tears continuing to slide down my cheeks. " Dance with me?" He asked. I began swaying him around the room, stepping together. All was quiet as we danced to the peaceful silence. I stared at the beautiful boy infront of me, a weak smile playing on his perfect lips. But something wasn't right. I imagined Eddies eyes, the light almond brown with sprinkles of light yellow. I imagined how they resembled an elegant doe, staring nervously around itself. I stopped moving, my grip loosening on the small boys waist. This boy infront of me wasn't Eddie. His eyes were grey, as was the rest of him. That happy, colourful Eddie was somewhere better now. This wasn't Eddie. I smiled through my heavy tears, gently letting go of the small boys waist. He smiled, unwrapping his arms from around my neck. " Goodbye Richie." The boy said, beginning to fade away. I smiled, his eyes vanishing last. All was quiet in Neibolt house.
"... Goodbye Eds."

Haha totally didn't cry whole writing this. Don't worry, it's only my third time crying today so we're all good ❤️

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