. . .

Once the press conference came to an end, Wynter made her way out onto the pitch with the other players so they could begin their pre-match warm-ups. As much as the french girl wanted to greet the opposing team, she didn't want to lose focus on the game as it was their first Champions League game of the season. So she decided that it was best to confront them later on.

After they completed some simple yet important stretches, the Reds got paired up to do some basic ball drills and in the end, Wynter found herself training alongside Bobby.

"So, how are you and Trent?"

When Wynter heard those words fly out of Bobby's mouth, she stopped the ball's movements with her foot and glanced at the Brazilian, who stood across from her with a coy smile. "What are you talking about?"

"You and Trent were hanging out during the weekend right?" He asked.

She swiftly passed the ball to him, her face scrunched up. "How do you even know that?"

"Trent's Instagram story," Bobby said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Now stop dodging the question and give me a valid answer."

"I don't know what you want me to say to you. We've only known each other for over a month now, so I don't see how you'd expect me to like him."

"When did I say anything about liking him?" he smirked as they continuously passed the ball to each other. She remained silent, looking down at her feet which only made the Brazilian let out a laugh. "It's okay, Winnie. Your secret's safe with me."

Wynter bit her lip, feeling her cheeks flush. "Do we have to talk about this? I feel like this is unnecessary."

"But that's the thing, it is necessary for you two."

She sighed. "I don't know, Bobby."

"Okay, I see how it is," he raised his arms up in surrender. "I'll drop it now, but don't be surprised when I get Joe after you later."

She replied with a simple nod as she focused her attention on the football that travelled back and forth between her and Bobby. The thought of Trent and her together in that way never came into the cold-season named girl's mind. Clearly, they were friends. Right? Well, that's how she viewed them and witnessed nothing more or less than that. However, that didn't quite imply that she never wished otherwise.

Though, Wynter didn't want it to be that way. She had football to focus on and with everything going for Liverpool this season, she knew better than to allow a boy to be the only thing that was on her mind. Not to mention if something did occur between the pair, the media would somehow find out about it and the forward figured that there would be some kind of backlash involved directed at her character for not maintaining her professionalism as a football player between a colleague. 

She knew that because Trent wasn't the first player that caught her undivided attention.

After the pre-match warm-ups concluded, Wynter jogged through the tunnels of Anfield as she excitedly made her way towards the tribune to greet her family before the game began. She wasn't in a rush for anything since she opted to just play during the second half of the match. Other than her mom and dad, she hadn't seen that rest of them for quite a while as they were based in America because of Nathan's basketball career.

As she walked towards the tribune, she heard a familiar voice call out her name, making her pause in her footsteps. She turned around to see Kylian, Neymar and Julian.

"Guys," Wynter breathed out, slowly approaching them. "I hadn't seen you guys in ages. I've missed you guys way too much."

She first embraced Neymar. "We miss you too back in Paris. Both the guys and the girls" he mentioned, pulling away from the hug "especially Kylian right here." he winked with his comment, causing Wynter to let out sniffled laugh. 

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