His eyes lit up. "COMPLEX for anyone else! It's an emergency."

Sarayah got up, looking relieved. Julez gave her a look, and she immediately switched her facial expression from happy to mournful. She looked sadly back at Aunty Gladys. "I am so sorry, but I have to go."

Aunty Gladys reached out, grabbing Sarayah's arm. "Oh, but you'll come back after."

Julez shook his head vehemently, snatching Sarayah's arm away from her. "No. This is gonna take way too much time. You go talk to someone else. Don't wait on her."

Aunty Gladys turned to Julez. "Okay, well at least this gives us the chance to talk."

"Ohhhh." He exchanged a quick look with Sarayah. "Noooo. My mom needs me too for this very serious, impossible to explain emergency. It's too bad because I would've loved to sit down and talk..."

Aunty Gladys' eyes lit up.

"But I can't. Can. NOT. Okay, bye!" He grabbed Sarayah's arm, and they sprinted away giggling.

I kissed my teeth. So much for being the hero. Kelly walked up to me, looking around for Sarayah.

"What happened?"

I rolled my eyes. "Solange."

Kelly raised her eyebrow. "I didn't see her."

"She sent Julez."

Kelly's eyes widened. "That is so smart, 'cause kids can get away with–"

"Kelly? Is that you, baby?" Kelly stiffened. I sucked in my lips, trying not to laugh. She looked just about ready to cry.

Aunty Gladys walked over. "It is you! You know, I'm so happy I saw you. I haven't spoken to you in so long."

Kelly clung onto me, but I pried her hands off and ran away. I wasn't about to be stuck with Aunty Gladys. I chucked up the deuces and left to find my daughter. It didn't take me long. Her and Solo were laughing obnoxiously loud in the foyer.

"I told y'all it would work!" Solo bragged, grinning proudly.

Julez puffed up. "Yeah, because of me! I did all the work. You're welcome by the way."

Sarayah ruffled his hair. "You're right. Thank you, Julez. You really came through."

He beamed up at her. "That's what cousins are for. Partners in crime. Right?"

She threw her arms around his shoulder. "That's right."

"You two are a mess, but I love it." Angie said, giggling. She pointed at Sarayah. "I'm surprised by you though. When did you become a mini Solo? What happened to Mini Bey? You used to be a straight arrow mama's girl. Always up under Bey."

Sarayah sighed. "August was a four-year-old child. I really wish you guys would stop acting like I'm that same kid. I'm different now. It's been 11 years. I just want people to see me for me and not who I could've been. Is that too much to ask?"

Solo shook her head. "Of course not. I think everyone deserves a fresh start, free from biased preconceptions." She turned her head, looking right at me.

Sarayah raised an eyebrow, following her line of sight. When she saw me, she sighed, looking down. I fought against a feeling of sadness and walked over. I smiled at her, trying to lighten her mood.

"Hey, can we talk?"

Sarayah glanced around, before nodding. "Yeah, sure."

We walked side by side to the backyard. I snuck a quick look at her. She looked slightly uncomfortable, but calm.

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