Evil shows his face

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"Dont worry, Leomon is our friend." Patamon reassured.

"With big teeth." Tk said.

"He just uses them for smiling."

Luna gripped the sleeve on my shoulder and shook with fear.

"Raya, do you feel that?" She asked shakily.

I nodded, reaching down and grabbing Tk's hand, "If you're feeling something very cold and scary, then yeah, I feel it."

"I want the children." Leomon said, surprising us all with his rough tone.

He reached towards the sheath behind his back and pulled out a large blade.

"Guys, we need to get out here!" I shouted, pulling Tk along as we all ran away from Leomon.

"Oh, no, my map!" Tai shouted as his garbled mess of a map flew away from him.

He turned around and ran to retrieve it, but stopped when Leomon came closer.

"Pepper Breath!" Agumon shouted blasting his fire attack at Leomon, blinding him long enough for them to catch up with us.

"Why is he acting like this?" I asked.

"He must be under the spell of the Black gears." Luna answered.

Suddenly as we were running down the mountain, another digimon blocked out path.

He was large and green with big ugly teeth and dressed in brown rags. His greasy slicked back hair was colored white and his body was covered in piercings and strange markings.

"And just where do you think you're going?" He said waving his large club around, "Well children, so good of you to stop by."

"He look hungry to you?" Patamon asked.

"We're too small to eat and I'm full of junk food." Tk said.

"Well, he's not against a little snack." Gomamon joked.

"This is no time for jokes, Gomamon." I said.

I turned around and saw Leomon standing behind us, his blade raised high.

"Make this easy on yourselves and give up now or else." He demanded.

"I don't see an exit door." Matt said.

"This just proves the theory that well executed teamwork is efficient even for bad guys." Izzy pointed out.

"But Leomon's always been Ogremon's worst enemy, what's happened to him?" Biyomon said.

I stared at the once great Leomon with determination in my eyes.

I knelt down in front of Tk and handed Luna over to him.

"Keep her safe for a minute." I said, "I'll be right back."

"Raya?" Tk said, watching me as I walked a little closer to Leomon.

Leomon and Ogremon jumped into the air ready to attack, but I closed my eyes tightly and screamed, "Stop this now!"

I didn't know it, but at this moment, a soft glow covered my body. In that instant, all the digimonn except Patamon, digivolved into champions.

Lekismon smiled at me and scooped me up into her arms. I opened my eyes and saw her sweet smile and returned it with my own smile.

"Lekismon, good to see you, but what happened?" I asked, confused as to why they digivolved.

"You don't have to worry about that. Just stay close." She said. I nodded, but something made me look up.

I looked towards the upper cliff and saw someome looking straight at me and my friends.

Digimon Adventure: A Yamato love storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora