~ Nineteen ~

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I had been walking all night, following Paris. She didn't stop to rest, although I suppose it was because she was fueled with anger, instead of sleep and food, like normal people.

Finally, she came to a stop. The Sun was rising, and Lex would be waking up soon, but I was quite a while away from where we had set up base.

Paris had stopped on the point where the jungle met the beach. She took a deep breath, and began to walk left. I sighed, and followed her. My feet were aching, my stomach was growling, and my throat was parched from lack of water. I was beginning to really miss the Capitol.

We kept walking for what seemed like hours, until we reached a clearing in the forest, at which point, Paris turned around. I darted behind a tree, hoping that she wouldn't see me.

I closed my eyes, and counted to 20. When I opened them again, and looked back at the clearing, it was empty. Paris had gone.

I walked into the clearing, hoping that I would see where Paris had gone, but I couldn't.

I was exhausted, hungry, thirsty, and I had just lost the one thing that I could use to make up with Thorn. My legs gave way, and I sunk down onto my knees. Tears began to spill from my eyes, and onto the ground below me.

That was when the knife whistled past my ear. My eyes widened significantly, as I looked up to where the knife had come from. There, I saw Valerie Domitia.

I had been following the wrong person.

"So, you think you can follow me all night undetected?" She asked, picking the knife back up. I was still in too much shock to answer. She smirked at me, before circling around me.

After a few minutes, I had found my voice again.

"Kill me" I whispered. This seemed to physically startle Valerie.

"Wha... What?!" She said. This would've been the perfect time to run, but I was too tired.

"Kill me" I repeated a little louder. "I'm tired of the Capitol having a better life than all of us, I'm tired of working all day everyday so that they can have comfort. I've given up" I said, slightly louder, so that the cameras could hear. Valerie had began to circle me again.

I remembered what I had told Bo before I had come into the games, and knew what my last words would be. So, in a soft voice, I began to slowly sing.

"Little Bo peep
Has lost her sheep
And doesn't know where to find them"

Valerie was stood behind me now, the knife raised above her head. Fresh tears made their way down my face, as I forced myself to keep singing. For Bo.

"Leave them alone
And they'll come home"

I felt the cold steel pierce through my back, and warm blood spill from the wound. I had to finish the song. I had to. I tried to force out the last line. Bo had to hear it one more time.

"Br... Br... Bring.... Bo"

That was all I managed to say. I never finished the song for Bo. Its my only regret. My body slumped to the ground, as Valerie pulled the knife out of my back, and stepped over me to continue the Games.

The sky grew lighter and lighter, until all I saw was white.

The last thing I ever heard, was the cannon, signifying that I was dead.

Bo was all alone in this world now.

And I knew, that from district 8, she would be finishing the song.

Bringing their tails behind them

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