~ Four ~

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Tears were still streaming down my face as we reached the Capitol. I wiped them off and turned to Sash.

"Do I look like I've been crying?" I asked him. He shook his head. I walked over to the other side of the cart, and looked out to all the crazily dressed Capitol people. I lifted my hand up, and began to wave, a fake smile plastered on my face. The Capitol people loved it. They had different banners. One said 'HUNGER GAMES CHAMPIONS!".

Aofie stood up.

"Right then, get ready. They'll ask you to say a few words first, but then we'll take you to where you'll be staying" she said. She took a deep breath, and the train doors opened.

The street was full of people screaming. Yelling out for us. Cheering, or booing. A bit of both. A camera came up to us, and asked us for anything before we dissapered. After all, the next time they would see us would be the chariots. Sash turned to the Capitol people, and said:

"Thank you so much for this experience of a lifetime!" He had a fake smile too. The cameras turned on me.

"Any words? Thoughts? Anything?" I was asked. I felt the star ring on my finger, and could only think of one thing.

"Tuetur me sol, luna secreti novit" everyone was staring at me, and just as the reporter was about to ask what it meant, Aofie stepped forward, explaining we had a 'tight schedule'.


Aofie led us through the crowd, up to our living area for the next few weeks.

"Now, remember, chariots are tommorow night, you are not to be late for your makeup appointments. You will be meeting your mentor in a moment. You will be living with us until the games. Ok?" Me and Sash nodded in unison.

We entered our rather large living space. Inside was a woman. She had short, grey hair, and vivid blue eyes. I remembered watching her a few years ago. She was in the 77th Games. She was in her late 20s now.

"Ahhhh, fresh tributes! Welcome, welcome. Now first things first, you annoy me, and I won't help you. Now that's over with, let's get some names!" She said, walking towards us 'fresh tributes'.

"This is A...." Aofie began, but our mentor stopped her.

"I want them to say it. You, name and age" she said, pointing to Sash.

"I'm Sash Flax, age 17" he said. She then pointed to me, as if to say 'now you'.

"I'm Angora Calico, everyone calls me An though, and I'm 14" I replied.

"Well, Flax and Calico, I'm Yarnn Lisle. Your mentor. Would you prefer me to call you by your first, or last names?" She asked.

"Uhm, first I guess" Sash said, and I nodded, agreeing with him.

"Well then Sasha, and Angie was it?"


"Its also Sash, not Sasha"

"Oh yes! Angora, and Sash. We should get to know each other. Hungry?"


After we had eaten all we could, we sat down to watch the tapes of the reaping. A few I picked out who looked as though they could be potential allies were from district one, two and eleven. River Heridum, Valerie Domitia, and Thorn Miller. Thorn even tributed for her friend. I could relate to her most. I would have to find her during the chariots.

After the tape, me and Sash headed to get some sleep.

"Hey, what did you say to the reporter? What did it mean?" Sash asked.

"It was something my father always told me. It's old Latin for 'The sun watches over me, but the moon knows my secrets'" I replied. Sash nodded, realizing that now was not the time, nor the place to ask about my family.

It had been a long day, after all, and we had an even bigger day tommorow.

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