Epic Date Part 3

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They took an Uber from Flokru to the movie theater; the ride was about 10 minutes long which meant the girls were late but they didn't care, the actual movie only started after nearly 15 minutes of previews so they were fine. Octavia had already gotten them tickets and they just ate so all they had to do was show someone their tickets and make their way in the theater. The previews that were playing didn't interest either of them so during this time Clarke leaned over to whisper to Raven. 

"Hey, Rae." 

"Yeah?" Raven could feel the other girls breath on her neck, they were so close. 

"Do you think Tav set us up?" 

That both shocked and scared Raven but she managed to choke out, "I- what?"

Clarke giggled at Raven's adorable awkwardness and spoke again, "I mean it's pretty obvious that bitch never plans anything in her life but damn does she love to mess with people. I should have known that after I told her I liked you she would try something." 

"Yeah, wait what?" Raven asked, once again shocked at what Clarke said, her brain couldn't comprehend that her dream girl liked her back. 

Clarke blushed, "Yeah I uh, I've liked you for a while, I know you probably don't feel the same way so we can just tell Octavia we discovered her little scheme and bully her." She looked toward the screen and pretended to be interested in whatever shitty preview for whatever shitty new remake that was "coming this fall". 

Raven stared straight too and was trying to process this information, emboldened by Clarke's confession she did something she never thought would happen in her life

Raven cleared her throat, "Hey uh, Clarke?"

"Yeah?" She heard the hopefulness in Clarke's voice and it only made her more determined to respond. 

"I do." 

"Yeah cool thanks but I didn't propose."

"No, I uh." Raven couldn't believe she was doing this. "I uh like you too." 

Clarke looked over at her with a huge smile, she leaned over, gave Raven a quick peck on the cheek and grabbed her hand. "Remember, you promised to protect me." 

Raven put her arm around the other girl, "I wouldn't dream of doing anything else." 


The rest of the movie consisted of Raven intently watching the screen while Clarke gripped her hand and buried her head in her shoulder when a jump scare happened. When it was over, Clarke walked out clutching Raven like if she let go Raven would disintegrate. 

Raven smiled, Clarke was being so freaking adorable. "So," she started, "Did you like it?" 

Instead of answering her question Clarke looked up at her and scowled, "You're sleeping in my bed tonight." 

"Sushi horror movies and cuddles, this is the greatest date ever. 

Raven immediately regretted calling this a date, especially when Clarke pulled away. 

'I'm sorry I didn't mean to and-" Clarke cut her off. 

"Raven," she sighed, "I really like you, I have for a while and now that I know the feeling is mutual where do we go from here?"   

This was a difficult question because she wanted nothing more than to be with Clarke but there was something in the back of her mind that was always saying that some reason or another would cause them to break up and that part also said that no matter what she said Clarke really didn't want her and even is she did she shouldn't because she's not good enough for Clarke. For once in her life though she told this voice to shut the hell up and she wasn't going to keep herself from happiness anymore. 

While Raven was debating internally  Clarke decided to take things into her own hands because she's Clarke. She got down on one knee and dug through her pockets, eventually producing the ticket stub. 

She held it up, "Raven Raegen Reyes will you be my girlfriend." 

Raven felt more emotions than was describable  but that didn't matter nothing mattered, except for her answer; a simple "Yes." 

Clarke jumped to her feet and stared into the other girl's eyes and slowly, carefully angled her face down and pressed their lips together. They pulled away and looked at each other with such love and understanding, lost in their own world of pure ecstasy and elation.   

Clarke put her arm around Raven's waist and Raven put hers around Clarke's shoulders and they walked like that until they realized they should probably call an Uber. 

*Time skip brought to you by Raven's Buffy reference in 6x13* 

At around 1 AM Octavia was still at Monty's with Emori, awaiting Clarke's text. 

Monty sighed, "Via your plan failed just accept it. I'm going to sleep now, y'all can crash on the couch cause I literally forbid you from walking home at one in the morning." 


She held up her phone to show the others 

Clorky: We figured out your plan you stupid fucking goblin

Clorky: It worked :) 

AN: Do you hear that? It's all the bellarke stans I pissed off with this one. A little short but cute (I hope) It only took 47 chapters but they're finally together. See y'all soon. Ciao for now                                                                                                                                                                                                 -Trash ☆

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