Part 10

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     Clarke and Raven had just finished breakfast a while ago and where now chilling in Clarke's room watching Riverdale because Raven has never seen it. "Ugh this show is so hard to follow" Raven groaned. "It's really not that complicated" Clarke replied with a smirk. "Whatever I'm bored let's text the idiots and see if they wanna hang out" Raven said, and Clarke nodded in agreement

Back to texting

Raven: Hey guys

Monty: Omg where have you been

Clarke: At my house remember

Monty: Oh yeah

Raven: So any of you guys wanna go see a movie or something

Monty: I'm down

Emori: Sure

Octavia: I'm in, Bell?

Bellamy: What are we gonna see

Jasper: How about Aquaman

Clarke: YES! I've wanted to see that since I saw the trailer

Bellamy: Fine by me

Raven: Alright we'll meet there see you guys later

Clarke: Rae wait I think you should tell them

Monty: Tell us what

Murphy: Is something wrong


Clarke: What, no

Raven: Do I have to tell them

Clarke: You really should

Monty: Whatever it is we're still your friends

Bellamy: Yeah you can tell us anything

Raven: Okay so I came out to my parents a couple weeks ago and they basically said that I was a sinner and that I was doing this to hurt them, then they took all my money and my car and kicked me out so now I'm moving in with Clarke

Octavia: Raven I'm so sorry

Jasper: That sucks but really it's there loss, cause they won't be in your speech when you win a Nobel prize

Murphy: Yeah and if it makes you feel better I'm stocking up to TP their house

Raven: Thanks guys I really appreciate everyone being here for me

Emori: Any time bitch

Octavia: Oml guys the movie already started

Clarke: How we weren't talking for that long

Monty. It's been about 30mins

Clarke: Dang time flies when you're having deep emotional talks with your friends about always being there for each other

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