Part 7

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Raven: Clarke let me in it's hecking cold

Clarke: :)

Raven: Clorke please

Clarke: :)

Raven: Clarke this is not a joke I'm lokey gonna freeze to death

Clarke: :)


Clarke: :)

Raven: Kitty please

Clarke: Okkkkk

Raven: Yay I'm not gonna die

Clarke: I'm going to go make some hot chocolate

Raven: Open the window first

Clarke: It's been unlocked the whole time

Raven: You bitch

Clarke: Why would I lock my window

Raven: Everyone locks their window

Clarke: Well I don't so that's not everyone so ha

Raven: Well everyone that's not a dumb hoe does

Jasper: I lock mine

Monty: Same

Murphy: Yeah me too

Jasper: Now if you'll excuse us

Monty: We're off to play

Murphy: Some Halo

Octavia: Is it me or did the Jas/Monty dou become a trio

Jasper: Like the three musketeers

Bellamy: There were four musketeers dumbass

Jasper: Nerd

Murphy: wait then why is it called "The Three Musketeers"

Bellamy: Uhg because De'artgantan was narrating or something

Clarke: Why are we talking about this again

Emori: Idk

Raven: Brooooo where u bin

Emori: I was sleeping

Octavia: It's like 5pm

Emori: Your point?

Clarke: Anyway It's almost Christmas!

Clarke: What y'all want I'm feeling generous

Jasper: Weed

Clarke: I can make that happen

Octavia: A sword

Clarke: Ok

Raven: A magic carpet

Clarke: I'll work on it

Bellamy: A hug

Clarke: Sorry I can't manage that

Emori: Awww he asked for a hug from his princess

Jasper. 😍😍😍

Raven: Oof

Octavia: Reyes

Raven: Yee?

Octavia: Message me

Raven: K

Jasper: K

Monty: K

Murphy: Oml

       Private message between Raven and Octavia

Raven: Wassup

Octavia: So I'm just gonna get right to it you've been acting weird around Bellamy  and I wanna know what's going on

Raven: I haven't been acting weird

Octavia: Yesh you have so spill

Raven: Idk what your talking about


Octavia: Also when we bring up Bellarke you get all weird and sad

Raven: Uh no I don't

Octavia: OMG do you you have a crush on Bell

Raven: Octavia, I'm gay we've established this

Octavia: Well then what it is cause somethings upsetting you and it's my duty as your best friend to force to tell me so what. is. wrong.

Raven: Nothing's wrong it's just I have a lil secret

Octavia: Spill

Raven: No you'll tell everyone

Octavia: No I won't

Raven: Swear on your cats life


Raven: Jeez chill do you swear on Illan's life

Octavia: Yeah

Raven: Okay so I might have a crush on someone

Octavia: OMG WHO

Raven: Ahhh idk if I should tell you

Octavia: Pls pls pls

Raven: What the hell

Raven: It's Clarke

Octavia: AHHHHH

Octavia: Omg you guys would be so cute together

Octavia: Now I see why you don't like Bellarke

Raven: Yeah

Octavia: Don't worry I won't tell anyone except Clarke


Octavia: Calm down I kidding, I won't tell anyone

Raven: Thanks

Octavia: Hehheeh ship names are forming

Raven: Oh no

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