Rescue Part 3

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TW for violence, death, slight rape.
Please don't read if you can't handle any of these

Raven was lying on the ground chained to the structure pole, the metal digging into her wrists. There were cuts and bruises all over, her wheelchair was smashed to bits and her legs had deep gashes from her upper thigh to her ankle. Lexa stood over her with a knife a gun and various other torture instruments.

Octavia rushed forward, preparing to hit her from behind but Lexa whipped around firing a warning shot mere inches from Octavia's head.

"I see you've found me, good job you can die now" Lexa said as she reloaded the pistol. She looked around for a moment then sneered, "Where's Clarke? I want her to watch, after all this is her fault."

"It's not her fault that you're insane" Murphy screamed as he launched the crowbar, hitting Lexa in the head causing her to drop the gun and  leaving her disoriented for a moment.

Jasper took this opportunity to run and untie Raven and assess the damage Lexa caused while Octavia grabbed the gun.

"No!" Lexa screamed, diving at Jasper and digging her knife into his flesh right below the collarbone. He let out a howl of pain and fell to the ground.

"You bitch!" Yelled Octavia as she and Murphy ran forward. She took on Lexa, distracting her as Murphy picked up Raven and started sprinting towards the stairs.

"Jas" Octavia gasped between breaths "Are you" Their knives clashed together. "Okay?" Lexa grabbed Octavia's machete with her free hand, ignoring the pain, and shoved her away.

Lexa lunged forward and snagged  the gun. She stood up staring down Octavia with no emotions other than pure rage.

"She may have gotten away" Lexa said slowly, every word dripping with spite "But I will have my revenge, Clarke will pay"

"Pay for what? Octavia challenged, not allowing herself to be intimidated "She can't control how she feels, you have to accept that she's never going to love you"

"Shut up!" She fired but missed

"She will love me, even if I have to force her to!" Lexa snarled taking a step forward

"You're insane" Octavia snapped "Has it ever occurred to you that maybe if you want a girl to like you, you shouldn't kill her friends?!"

Lexa chucked, "But you see if you're all dead", She cocked the bullet into place, "Then she won't have anyone better to give her love to, and it'll all be mine" She pointed and fired, but  Octavia leppt out of the way at the last second, the bullet just grazing her side.

Lexa let out a front of frustration when she realized the gun was empty. She started to look for any more bullets when suddenly the creaking of stairs and another voice could be heard.

"What the actual fuck." Clarke said as  she descended the stairs with a look of disgust and horror on her face.

"Clarke! I'm so glad you're here, now you can see the consequences of your actions" Lexa sneered with fabricated  happiness.

"The consequences of- Oh my god." Clarke looked out in terror at the scene in front of her

"See Clarky? This is what happens when you don't give me what I want"

"But now" Lexa started walking towards the other girl "You'll do" She roughly grabbed Clarke by the wrist and pulled her closer "Exactly that!" She pulled her even closer, crashing their lips together.

"Lexa no please," Clarke struggled but she wasn't strong enough, especially with her injured arm. Lexa pressed further, sliding her tongue into Clarke's mouth and pushing her against the wall.

"You know you like it" She growled "You know you like me"

"No I don't please please stop" Clarke felt tears in her eyes as Lexa's hand slid under her shirt and slowly lower.

Try as she might Clarke simply wasn't strong enough to break free, the pain in her arm reinvigorated when she was shoved into the wall.

Lexa suddenly ripped off the other girls shirt and kissed her everywhere panting out "You will love me" As Clarke started to sob. She lifted a hand towards Clarke's face, cupping her cheek "Don't cry baby, there's only us tonight okay?" "Forget everything else, think about me"

"If I only thought about you", Clarke raised her head, not about to go down without a fight, "I think I'd throw up." She let out a harsh laugh.

Lexa was infuriated "You ungrateful whore! She screamed and swung her first, hitting Clarke directly in the eye.

Clarke tried to back up but there was no where to go and Lexa's mouth was on her's again.

Suddenly there was a flash of silver and Lexa's eyes glazed over and she  went limp. She fell and standing behind her was Octavia Blake, bloody machete in hand.

"Guess you forgot about me huh bitch" Octavia sneered.

"Tav you- you saved me" Clarke whimpered "She was going to"

"Shh it's okay I know, come on let's get the hell out of here"

Octavia helped Clarke to her feet and helped the quivering girl up the stairs, closely followed by Jasper. When they reached the top Bellamy and Emori rushed towards them immediately.

" What happened, are you guys okay?!" Bellamy asked in a panic.

"Lexa is a bitch with a gun that's what happened." Jasper responded

"Can we please just get out of here?" Clarke begged softly, huddling closer to Octavia.

After taking one look at the look on her face Bellamy wrapped an arm around her shoulders and steered her to the door, calling out behind him "Murphy carry Raven out and don't fucking drop her"

They all pilled into the Jeep and Bellamy started driving home when Jasper pulled out his phone

"Hey Monty, yes we're fine, listen can you go to McDonald's and get a shit ton of burgers and fries? Alright thanks man."

Everyone was bleeding, bruised, probably scared for life and felt absolutely awful but they were together and that's all that matters somehow.

AN: Please don't hate me for this I know I did Lexa dirty. I promise to write some fluff next. Thanks for reading ciao for now -A

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