
1.2K 31 5

Robotic Gay: Bet I can beat all of you in an eating contest

Uncultured Swine: K?

Robotic Gay: Just wanted to say it

Cockroach: Bitch bet

Robotic Gay: BET


Robotic Gay: That's a terrible thing to bet

Dr. Plant: Nobody wants that

Dr. Plant: But I would win them

Weedeater3000: You wanna fight

Dr. Plant: Bring it on

Robotic Gay: Bring it on: in it to win it

Cockroach: Don't

Uncultured Swine: Why don't you guys have a contest

Robotic Gay: If we did I would win

Weedeater3000: Don't kid yourself

Art Kitty: Oh you sad delusional children

Dr. Plant: Oh no

Weedeater3000: *hides behind Tav*

Robotic Gay: *scared in gay*

Cockroach: Brb writing my will

Art Kitty: I would like to enter this "competition"

Art Kitty: What would we be eating

Uncultured Swine: Well I guess I decide

Uncultured Swine: How about hotdogs

Robotic Gay: Ew

Dr. Plant: To cliche

Sword Gorl: CUPCAKES

Cockroach: Wtf

Sword Gorl: You should eat cupcakes

Robotic Gay: Yum

Weedeater3000: Sounds good

Cockroach: Whatever

Dr. Plant: Sure!

Art Kitty: Acceptable

I'm always forgotten: Skkssk stop talking like that you ain't on Riverdale

Sword Gorl: TEA

Uncultured Swine: Okay so Clarke, Raven, Monty, Murphy, and Jasper will see who is a better? eater? And they will eat cupcakes

Art Kitty: Yes.

Cockroach: We're all going to hell

Weedeater3000: We aren't already there?

Robotic Gay: sToP bEiNg eMO

Art Kitty: Everyone eating come over

Art Kitty: Em get a shit ton of cupcakes

I'm always forgotten: Ok

Art Kitty: Blakes make sure we don't die and time it and stuff

Sword Gorl: K

Uncultured Swine: *read 2:15 AM*

Cockroach: Wtf ew stop

Weedeater3000: Cringing so hEcKiN hard rn

Robotic Gay: Delete urself

Sword Gorl: I think that was the worst thing I've ever read

Sword Gorl: And I read Twilight

I'm always forgotten: TEA

Art Kitty: So Bellamy is being extremely cringey so he's not judging anymore

Cockroach: Won't they tie though

Art Kitty: What

Cockroach: If there's two judges what if they vote for two different ppl

Robotic Gay: *aggressively facepalms*

Art Kitty: Who's gonna explain this cause I'm not

Weedeater3000: Not it

Robotic Gay: Not it

Uncultured Swine: I'm not involved with this anymore

Dr. Plant: Ugh fine

Dr. Plant: So basically it's an eating competition and whoever eats the most wins

Cockroach: Then why do need judges

Weedeater3000: Shit

Art Kitty: Why didn't we think of that

Sword Gorl: We need judges bc we need to be included

I'm always forgotten: Ya

AN: This ones kinda weird, whatever see y'all soon - H⭐

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