Rescue Part 2

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Clarke was the first to arrive at Lexa's place since her house was closest. It was quite daunting to be alone with nothing but a big kitchen knife in her hand. But she knew Raven needed her and she couldn't get distracted by something as trivial as fear. Soon she heard tires screeching and Bellamy, Murphy, and Jasper jumped out of the Jeep. They had each brought some sort of weapon, Murphy had a crowbar Bellamy an Airsoft gun and Jasper a steel bat. Looking over everything they had brought it kind of seemed like overkill but they had to be prepared. 

No one had said anything until Octavia and Emori arrived, both with machetes.                                    "Jeez O where'd you get those?" Bellamy chuckled         

 "They're on Amazon for like 20 bucks." Octavia retorted  

"Are you guys ready for this? We have no idea what we're going to find in there" Clarke said gesturing to the house. 

"Guns blazing right," Murphy spoke up 

Clarke smiled a little bit "Hell yeah" 

With that, they began to march towards the door, still blissfully unaware of what they would find. 

As soon as Murphy kicked open the door they heard screams, Raven's screams. Clarke almost yelled out for her but Bellamy clamped a hand over her mouth whispering, "Element of surprise" They carefully followed the sound of the screams till they reached the basement. Clarke motioned for Octavia to follow her down when they heard footsteps. 

"Well well, what do we have here?" Anya sneered 

Clarke slowly turned around, prepared to slash Anya in the stomach 

She wasn't fast enough 


The gunshot rang out and everyone stayed still for a moment even Anya, who looked terrified despite being the one to fire. Octavia snapped out of the trance though and lunged forward slicing the popliteal artery, causing Anya to crumple on the ground. Bellamy ran over to Clarke, trying to find the bullet. 

"It's in her shoulder" He whispered "She'll be okay 

She certainly didn't look okay, whimpering on the floor. With Clarke out of commission and Bellamy tending to her, Octavia decided it was up to her to lead the charge. Without another word she sprinted down the basement steps, closely followed by Jasper Murphy and Emori. 

What they saw was horrifying 

AN: HELLO LOVES I'm sorry this is so short and took so long I just really wanted to get something up and this chapter has been so difficult to write. I also have finals right now so that's taking up a lot of time and I really should be studying honestly but I digress. I promise part 3 will be better and longer and up soon. Love ya'll thanks for reading ciao for now -A ☆ .  


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