Tea Chat

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Sword Gorl added Dr. Plant to "Tea

Sword Gorl added I'm always forgotten to "Tea

Sword Gorl: HEY 

Sword Gorl: So as everyone knows we're the biggest tea spillers in the group 

Dr. Plant: Yeah 

I'm always forgotten: Agreed 

Sword Gorl: So I thought I'd make a chat with us where all we do is collect and spill tea 

I'm always forgotten: Fun 

Dr. Plant: We should change our names in here to incorporate the word tea 

Sword Gorl: Oh yeah 

 Sword Gorl changed her name to "OcTEAvia 

Dr. Plant changed her name to "MonTEA" 

I'm always forgotten changed her name to "I like tea" 

OcTEAvia: Okay so now that's done let's get into the tea 

I like tea: I heard that Jackson was gay 

MonTEA: We know 

OcTEAvia: Is that it 

MonTEA: uH 

I like tea: I don't have any more 

OcTEAvia There's a myriad of tea out there and all we have is some stale shit everyone already knows 

MonTEA: We're pathetic 

I like tea: Well.........


I like tea: Ok here's the thing I do have some but i'm hesitant to spill bc it involves Clarke and she's our friend 

MonTEA: The tea never leaves the chat it'll be fine 

OcTEAvia: Plus if it's about one of our friends we could help them with the situation 

I like tea: Ohkay so I saw her and Lexa talking  and Clarke looked really upset 

I like tea: So like the nosy bitch that I am, I decided to listen from behind a corner. I couldn't make out everything they were saying but I think the gist of it was that Lexa liked her 

OcTEAvia: But why would Clarke be upset 

MonTEA: Yeah she's been crushing on Lexa since 8th grade 

I like tea: LET ME FINISH 

I like tea: Then Clarke said she liked someone else (i didn't catch who) and Lexa threatened her 

OcTEAvia: What do mean threatened 

I like tea: IDK like hurt her or something 

MonTEA: But she'd never do something like that right?  

I like tea: That's just what I thought I heard 

OcTEAvia: I wouldn't put it past her, she's gotten in a lot of fights and hasn't she brought a knife to school before? 

MonTEA: What should we do 

I like tea: We have to confront Lexa 

MonTEA: But it's Friday, I can't sit on this for two whole days 

OcTEAvia: She's on my basketball team, I have her number I'll text her 

I like tea: Ok be careful 

OcTEAvia: She can't shiv me through a phone 

I like tea: Shut up 

OcTEAvia: I'm going in 

Chat between Octavia and Lexa 

Octavia: Hello 

Octavia: It's Octavia Blake 

Octavia: From basketball 

Lexa: I know who you are I have ur number saved 

Lexa: Why are you texting me we don't hang out 

Octavia: Ok cut the crap you little bitch 

Lexa: Jeez what'di ever do to you 

Octavia: Not to me 

Octavia: To Clarke 

Lexa: What about her 

Octavia: Stop dodging you know what I'm talking about 

Lexa: That thing in the hallway earlier? Oh c' mon dude that was a joke 

Octavia: Hm well don't make jokes like that when you have a history of violence and are known to be dangerous 

Lexa: "known to be dangerous" Really Tav? Really? 

Octavia: I'm just saying that you should be careful about what you say cause you never know who might be listening 

Lexa: So you're telling me to watch my back because you're a fucking stalker 

Octavia: Uhg you're hopeless just don't mess with Clarke or any of my friends or else 

Lexa: HA or else what bitch? You'll yell and scream and try to fight me? You try to act all intimidating and violent but you're just a pillowcase  

Octavia: You won't be laughing when this "pillowcase" breaks open your face with a brick 

Lexa: Oh wow how cute an empty threat 

Lexa: You know I'd love to stay and hear you bitch around but I actually  have a social life 

Lexa: Bye now! 

Octavia: HEY! This conversation is not over 

AN: Hey friends so I actually know what a plot is how surprising. . I'm also dedicating time to a story that I've been working on. And exams are coming up along with state testing so that's always fun. Ciao for now                                                                                                                                                                                                  -A☆

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