Chapter 19

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Katy's POV:

I was woken up by light touches of fingertips against my back causing me to smile. I thought he would've slipped out as soon as the deed was done just like Stefan would; leaving me feeling empty. I still cant believe he rejected my offer and left with Lexi to go rid of Silas' body. Luckily, Liam stayed this time. Making me feel whole and content. But the good feeling was soon gone as the memories from last night started flowing back through my mind. Last night, I got a lot more intoxicated than I planned. There's no way I'm telling Liam I kissed Harry. I admired his peaceful form. I'm sure there's a photo of me and Harry kissing on Twitter; I'm going to call Nick and make sure he fixes this, I fucked up.

"What's wrong Kate?" He asked, while touching my cheek with a warm hand. "Im sorry I hurt you and don't say I didn't because there's blood on the sheets," he said. I rolled over and sat on top of him.

"Last night was perfect Liam," I smiled. "My body was frozen at sixteen so don't worry about it and thanks for not leaving," I said.

"I couldn't leave you," he yawns," I love you," he said while holding his arms out for me to fall into.

"And I love you," I said. "Mmm... as much as I'd love to stay in your arms all day I have to go make an important phone call and I got an interview with extra but I'll be back around 8pm," I told him.

"Ok," he mumbled sleepily before falling asleep. When I stood up I felt Liam's sperm leaking down my legs. EWW!!!

"Welcome back to Extra, I'm Maria Menudos and we are back with the beautiful Katy Lockwood. How are you Kate? It's been a while," Maria said. Last time I saw her we were partying at the after party of The Golden Globes.

"I've been great actually and yeah it's been a long time," I answered. The interview went on to talk about how touring was with One Direction, new album, and new music video. Then it got personal.

"So I have to ask this, are you still single?" Maria asked.

"Yeah I am, single and ready to mingle," I chuckled.

"Well there's been a lot of rumors that you're dating a member of of One Direction and there's a photo all over Twitter ( I felt the color draining down my face) where you're seen a bit too close to Niall Horan," Maria said. To be honest I felt relieved that she said Niall and not Harry. On my way to the interview I called Nick and explained him what happened last night with Harry and he assured me there wasn't any photos of Harry and I kissing.

"NOoo, I'm not dating Niall, we are just very good friends, I said with a smile.

"Well thank you for clearing that up. Well that is all the time we got for today. Thank you so much for joining us today Katy."

I waved until the cameras weren't rolling anymore and quickly made my way to the car that was supposed to take me back to the hotel. Once I got to the hotel, I went straight to my room to change into a pair of shorts with a tank top and flats. Liam had texted me earlier telling me he was  outside sitting on a table near the pool and that he wanted to spend some time with me. So I quickly made my way to the pool area where I spotted Liam on chair by the table at a far corner nearby the bar. When he spotted me he gave me a big smile that make his eyes crinkle.

"Hai, how was your day?" I greeted him while sitting on top of the table between his legs. Before he got to answer a group of girls were making their way towards us.

"Hi Liam!" One of them with brown hair yelled.

"Hello sweetheart," liam answered.

"Hey Liam," another one said.

"Hi babe," Liam smiled at her while pushing himself away from me. I stood up and looked around; he was hugging all of the fans, taking photos with them, and talking to them.

"Hey Liam, I'm going to the common room to watch a movie in case you still want to hang out ," I shouted trying to get his attention.

"LIAM!" I called him. "liam!!... LIAM!!!....LIAM?!?!?....

He's ignoring me. ABSOLUTELY ignoring me.

"LIAM!!!" I shouted. No response. The fans are starting to notice he's ignoring me causing them to giggle while enjoying Liam's attention.

I gave up and just walked away pissed at him. I could feel my eyes swelled up with tears.

One more chapter :-)

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