Chapter 15

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Katy's POV:

When I woke up, I felt fully rested. There wasn't any pain or hallucinations. As I was looking up at the ceiling not only did I feel one body but many others in my bed. When I looked to my right I found Harry; who's face was closer to mine then I expected it to be. I was able to see his long eyelashes brush his sharp cheek bones. His full pink lips were slightly parted; he look absolutely beautiful. As I turned to my left I found an already awake Liam who was looking at me. As I looked at his chocolaty brown eyes I could feel my heart beat reacting to them. My heart pounded so loud that it was audible in the quiet room; If I could hear it then I'm pretty sure he could which caused me to blush.

"Hi," I whispered breathlessly.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" he asked quietly.

"To be honest, I feel amazing," I said with a smile.

"Good, because you put us through hell," Liam said with an attitude and with a douche bag look on his face causing my smile to disappear.

"What the hell is your problem?! It's not like i asked to get bitten!" I said a bit too loud then intended causing Louis who was on top of Zayn to wake up.

"Agh, keep it down, Oh!Kate you're ALIVE!" Louis yelled causing Zayn to push him off him and onto the floor.

"Oi you arse that hurt!" Louis yelled from the floor.

"Shut up," Niall mumbled sleepily causing his accent to thickened.

"Question, why were all of you sleeping in my bed?" I asked loudly while staring at the ceiling.

"Because we were worried about you and we love you and I didnt trust that scary looking Klaus guy," Harry said in a VERY deep voice while pulling me to his bare chest and draping his leg over both of mine; he was only wearing white boxer briefs, leaving little to imagination.

" Thanks guys , means a lot," I told them with a smile.

"What should we do today? we got like four days off," Niall asked.

"Well, we could go to the pool or I can compel ourselves into the casino or night club since Louis is the only legal one or we can just have a lazy day," I suggested.

"Let's do all of them!" Niall yelled excitedly which caused me to chuckle.

"Ok then, it's settled," I said with a smile.

As the boys scattered around the hotel, I was on YouTube on Michelle Phan's channel; I love her just FYI. I was watching her latest video on how to waterproof your makeup; Im sure Lou wouldn't mind doing my makeup like Michelle's. After breakfast with the boys that consisted of a couple of pancakes with orange juice and a blood bag for me. They tried to make me tell them all about Klaus and vampire history but I told them that I'm saving that story for a rainy day. After a quick shower and a trip to Lou's room was I finally ready for the pool; which was occupied by Narry and a few other guest that were staying in the hotel, they were already some girls with there phones out taking photos. To be honest, I've never minded fans or paparazzi taking photos of me but security has always taken care of them just like Preston was doing at the moment. He was telling the girls to please put their phones away.

" Hey sexy," Niall called me with a wink causing the girls around to giggle whispering something about someone named Kyle and others to glare at me. Oooh Kyle! Now I get it! Kiall is our couple name!

"Look who's talking," I said with a smirk while I was carefully sliding into the pool. Once in the pool Harry quickly made his way towards me and pulled me into a hug only to end up holding my hand and leading me towards the deeper side of the pool where Niall was waiting.

" Hey Niall did you know that our couple name is Kiall? oh and Harry ours is Karry," I said causing them to laugh.

After swimming and messing around with them did I compel the pool's bartender to give me a strawberry margarita did I was told by the really hot life guard that there was going to be a private pool party later on tonight and that I and my friends should come.

" Hey guys, there's going to be a pool party tonight, we should go," I told them.

"I'll go," Niall said excitedly.

"Haz?" I questioned.

" I want to go, but i don't think Liam is going to let us go," he said solemnly.

" Well, we just have to convince him," I said with a smirk. I have a feeling tonight's going to be a BLAST.


so i feel that this is just a filler chapter bcx i really didnt like it, it seems lazy. Anyways there's going to be BIG drama next chapter just to make it up to you guys for this crappy chapter.





Damaged HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora