Chapter 2

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I didn't realized I had fallen asleep until i felt someone shaking my shoulder. It was Olivia from my prep team and yes they're vampires. They've been with me ever since my career started as "Matilda" and later on as Claudia in "An interview with a vampire." How ironic, my career started off as a vampire and it's going to end as a vampire.

"Wake up sweetheart, time to catch a plane," she said. To be honest I don't mind flying but is the jet lag that's a royal pain in the ass. One of the privileges of having your own plane is that you don't have to go through security. I mean why would i want to blow up my own plane with me inside. The moment I got comfortable on my seat I passed out. I woke up six hours later. Don't judge even vampires need their sleep. While watching "Jennifer's body" on Netflix i couldn't help but feel nervous I mean I'll be with five really cute and hot guys 24/7 for over 2 months. I'm sure someone will end up pregnant. I know what you must be thinking, vampires can't procreate and it's true but that doesn't really apply to me. You see, every vampire Petrova doppelganger gets one chance to get pregnant but they don't have just any baby they have another Petrova doppelganger, which is why i exist. Anyways, i lost my chance to be a mother. I was pregnant once but i had a miscarriage thanks to one of Klaus' witches. I was used as leverage so Elena would be cooperative throughout the process of breaking the hybrid curse on Klaus, so right before the ritual started the witch tortured me until i lost my baby. Elena may be a Petrova vampire doppelganger but she can't get pregnant. You see i sorta gave her chance away. Esther, also know as the Original Witch pitied me for loosing my baby as she herself knows the pain of loosing a child is so she helped me with a spell. What did i give her as payment you make ask. Well i gave her Elena's chance. You see, she didn't want anymore doppelgangers to exist so Klaus could use their blood to make more hybrids; my baby wouldn't be a doppelganger. I know it seems selfish of me but like i said before, im not very fond of Elena. But there were consequences to a spell like that. Every time i have unprotected sex i start bleeding like you would on your period but only for a few minutes which causes me pain. The pain so intense; it's indescribable, only a woman in labor will understand my pain. Just an FYI, the only person I've had sex lately has been Stefan. Nothing daily just random shags here and there. Once the plane landed i was taken to my house in London which so happens to be very close to where the boys live, while my team were to stay at a nearby hotel. The moment i was dropped off at my house i made my way in. The house itself was beautiful; surrounded by roses and pine trees. I looked at my phone to check the time, ignoring all the Twitter notifications. It was pass 10pm meaning it was close to day time in America. I made my way to the master's bedroom into the bathroom and stripping of all of my clothes to shower. The warm water soon helped relax my sore muscles that came from sitting in a plane for more than eight hours. My legs were getting prickly but i soon started to get sleepy so i decided to shower again in the morning to shave them before going to reversals first thing in the morning. Once i got out of the shower and quickly dried myself with a towel provided by the cleaning crew i walked in into the walk-in closet, which is packed with all kinds of clothes, shoes, and makeup. I soon got dressed in my Victoria's secret underwear and elmo pjs. How sexy right?

As soon as i was wrapped in the duvet on my bed and my head hit the soft pillows and thinking how screwed up my sleeping schedule was i fell asleep.

Hey guys so here's the 2nd chappie hopefully you'll like it. if you have any questions plz feel free to ask.

Pretty please

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