Chapter 11

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Liam's POV:

After an hour or so of driving, we finally got to our first break stop allowing two members of Katy's team Olivia and Fabiano I believe, to rush into our tour bus with a cooler containing blood bags.

" How did it happened?" Olivia asked us. Causing the rest of the lads to turn around to look at me, I sighed.

"We don't know, we found her like that, and we called Klaus; he's on his way", i said.

"We have to go and inform Nick hence we can't reach him on the phone. Besides we can't exactly let him see us since he knows we've helped Katherine keep running along. Anyways, make sure she drinks enough blood until Klaus arrives," Fabiano said in an Italian accent i believe, and with that he seemed to vanished in thin air.

" Hey lads lets go for a walk, we still have 20 minutes," i said.

We went to the loo, walked around, and bought some snacks. Luckily we werent spotted since almost no body is at gas stations at 2am. As we were walking towards the bunk beds to check on Katy, the sight that welcomed us made us stopped in our tracks. Katy was sitting on the floor drinking a blood bag and loads of other empty blood bags surrounding her. Her skin was way paler than before. The whites of her eyes turned into a brownish red. There were dark and deep shadows under her eyes where you could see blood rushing in her veins and she also had her vampire fangs exposed. In less than a second she was standing in front of us and in another second she pulled Harry by his shirt and sinking her teeth into his neck drawing out blood causing Harry to gasp in pain and Katy to groan in satisfaction. Louis tried to pull her off Harry but she was stronger then him so she pushed him on the floor. Harry started to look awfully pale causing me to snap and pulling her by her hair causing her to turn towards me; she looked like a monster.

"Liam," she whimpered.

"Yeah," i said softly.

"Oh my god! Harry im so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I would never hurt anyone, specially you," Katy apologized whilst crying.

"Someone take care of Harry, im going back to bed," Katy said, leaving us staring after her.

"C'mon hazz, let's bandage that up," i told him. After applying some pressure to stop the blood from flowing, i wiped the dried blood off to be able to put a big size bandage and later giving him two tablets of ibuprofen for the pain.

"Why don't you go rest hazza whilst i put the emergency kit away," i said.

"Thanks Li and don't let this change your feelings for kate; she's sick don't forget that," Harry said.

My feelings for katy? How the hell does he know i have for her? Is it that obvious?

Hey guys!!!! I'm still working on chapter 12. So school sucks butt!


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