You Watch A Scary Movie Together

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Ashton: You hated movies while Ashton loved them. He would always ask you to go with him to see the latest scary movie when it was his turn to pick the movie to see. You always found it difficult to say no to him but it was so hard for you to sit through an entire horror movie without freaking out. Most of the movie you spend with your head burried in Ashton's shoulder with the occasional glance toward the screen but quickly turning your head away the minute you hear creepy music begin to play. The only good thing about this time is being close to Ashton and having an excuse to stay pressed up against him.

Calum: You and Calum both loved scary movies. Both of you could sit for hours having scary movie marathons. Even though you loved them there were still some that movies or parts of movies that freak one of you out. Instead of comforting the other you would just mess with each other. You two were the type of couple who constantly teased each other. So when you'd notice him getting scared you would excuse yourself to the bathroom, to get more snacks, or to check on something and when you'd return you would sneak up behind him on the couch and pop out behind him causing him to scream in terror. While you laughed at him he'd give his adorable pouty face and whine, "That was mean, I don't like you!" You then would copy his expression and say in a baby voice, "Awh, did I scare little Calum?" He'd simply roll his eyes and pat the spot next to him, "Just come cuddle and let's finish the movie."

Luke: You and Luke do not enjoy watching scary movies, there are a few exceptions, however, to watching one when it doesn't seem that scary. But even those movies that are hardly frightening at all will cause you to jump at the slightest noise. You both hold each other close during the film and occasionally turn your faces away from the screen when it becomes too much. Both of you manage to make it to the end of the movie and say once it's over, "Well that wasn't so bad," even though you both know you two almost wet yourself in there. 

Michael: Although Michael tried to act and look all tough; he was an abosolute baby when it came to horror movies. You loved watching them and would turn the lights off watching movie after movie while Michael could barely make it through one movie with you, the rest of the boys, and complete daylight. You would practically have to get on your knees and beg to watch a scary movie with him. Finally he'd agree to watch the movie with the promise you would stay next to him and cuddle the whole length of the movie.


Question: Do you like watching scary movies? If so what's your favorite?

I don't really like watching them, I'm kind of like in the Luke preference and make a few exceptions like tomorrow I'm going to see Ouija with my friends because I thought it looked good. I'll probably pee my pants though oops.

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