Good Morning Texts

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I did a goodnight texts one so I thought I'd do a morning one 

Ashton: "Hey babe, sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up, got called early to the studio. :( I'll try and come by for lunch and give you your good morning kiss then aha love you!"

Calum: "Good morning love, I think it's about the time you get up stupid time zone :P I miss waking up to you in the mornings :( not too many more sleeps until the tour is over and I can finally get cuddles from someone other than Luke aha I love you xx"

Luke: "If you wake up before I get back, good morning! I left to get us food because we all know what happened last time I tried to cook for you haha :-) I'll be there soon."

Michael: "Good morning sunshine :) Text me back when you get this maybe we can go get some breakfast if you get up early enough, I just woke up and already want see your pretty face ;)"

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