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Ashton: Although it was kind of cheesy you and him had matching couples bracelets. Sure, his band mates teased him a bit over it but you thought it was completely adorable how he wasn't ashamed to match something with you. As for his thoughts about it he could careless about what they say when it comes to the bracelets he loves you and isn't afraid to show it even if it means a few laughs from the boys.

Calum: You and Calum were holding hands making your way back to your house. When you got up to the door he pecks your cheek lightly before saying, "I had a great time." You smile, "me too." This was you and Calum's 4th date and you were pretty sure things were going well. You're about to open your front door when he grabs your wrist, "wait!" You turn back to him and he laughs a bit before getting down on one knee, "(Y/n), this has been the best 4 dates of my life, will you be my girlfriend and join our little 5SOS family?" he asks before opening a container containing a silver band like he has with the words, '5SOS Family' written on it. You laugh but nod your head he puts the bracelet on you and you lean in to kiss him. 

Luke: You stare down at the two bracelets around your wrist and play with them a bit. Luke had left them to you before he had gone on tour, whenever you would start to miss him you would look down at them and blink back a few tears. Those two bracelets did kind of help though, the two bands named on them reminding you of him singing and dancing along to them in the living room trying to make you laugh which always succeed to and even though it's been a little over a month since he left you can still kind of smell him on it.

Michael: You and Michael are sat together on the sofa his head laying against your shoulder while he played with the bracelets on your wrist. It has become a habit for him, it seemed almost every time he was with you his fingers would light trace the beads or words on them. You didn't mind though it was kind of comforting to you just knowing he was there but it was one thing you would miss whenever he was away so you always had to enjoy it as much as possible when he was home. 

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