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Ashton: Ashton had talked about getting another tattoo so it wasn't any surprise when he texted you saying he'd be late because he was heading to a tattoo parlor to get one. A couple hours after the text Ashton walked in and kissed you on the cheek with a big smile on his face. "So what did you get?" You asked. He smirked before raising his shirt revealing your name written across his chest. You covered your mouth in shock unable to form words. You and Ashton had been together for quite a while, but not long enough to permanently have your name on him. "Ashton Irwin! What were you thinking? Are you crazy? We aren't even married and you get my name tattooed on you! You're insane!" You shout at him. He tries not to give it away so soon, but he begins to laugh. "What is so funny? This is serious Ashton! What if something happens and we don't stay together then what are you going to do?" You say. He laughs a little more before replying, "Wash it off." You look at him in confusion. "It's fake, don't worry. I love you but I'm not that crazy. Maybe someday though I'll have your name and our children's but for now I'll stick with my band."

Calum: You and Calum had started pranking each other from basically the beginning of your relationship. They were never anything too crazy just simple ones just to make the other laugh. You had pulled a prank on Calum a couple days ago and you knew he was planning something and quite frankly you were scared. It normally only took a couple hours for him to come up with something so at this point everything you did had to be investigated to make sure he hadn't done anything. After eating dinner one night you collected the plates and walked over to the sink since it was your turn to wash them. Right when you turned on the sink though water began to spray up at you. You scream in shock for a second and Calum was practically in tears laughing at you. You quickly turned off the water and glared at him while he laughed. You eventually started laughing along with him and walking closer to him with your arms stretched out, "Come here, babe, give me a hug." He shook his head and climbed out of the chair back away from you, "No, no I'm good." You darted towards him only for him to take off running through the house trying to get away from you. Eventually you caught up to him and quickly jumped on him soaking him also.

Luke: When you were at the store yesterday you came across a very realistic looking fake spider. You thought of Luke and his fear of them and immediately grabbed it. The next morning you quietly got out of bed and went to get the toy spider you had hid from him. Once you had gotten it you made your way back in the bedroom and placed it right on the edge of your pillow where his face was turned so when he opened his eyes it would be the first thing he saw. You then tapped him lightly to wake him. The second he opened his eyes he was screaming and jumped right out of the bed. "What is that?" Luke shouted moving away from the bed. You simply laughed in response and grabbed the toy moving closer to him with it. "You wanna hold it?" You asked. "No! Get that thing away from me, I don't care if it is fake!" You set the toy down and walk over to him reaching your hands around his neck pulling him in for a hug, "I'm sorry, babe. That was extremely funny though." He just rolls his eyes at you before placing his hands on your waist and insisting the only way he would forgive you is for a kiss, which you happily give him.

Michael: With the amount of times Michael dyes his hair it's a wonder his hair hasn't fallen out yet. This thought had gone through your mind one day after him yet again, dying his hair. That was when you thought of the perfect prank to pull on him. He had dyed it a natural color for once rather than his normal bright colored and unnatural colors that somehow managed to look good on him. You bought a couple extensions that were the color of his hair and cut them to about the length of his hair so it'd look like his own. Then was the tricky part, to make it look like it had fallen out. You came up with the perfect time. When he walked in the door you met him with a kiss like you normally do. However, this time with the hair in your palms you began to deepen the kiss and reached hands up to his head and tugged a little to make it seems like that's when it came out. You pulled your hand away with the big handful of 'his' hair and put on your best acting and pretended to be shocked. With your mouth wide in shock, he mirrored you before instantly running to the closest mirror to see his hair. It was then he realized that thankfully he didn't have a massive bald spot. By this point you were practically laughing your head off and so was he. "Okay, that was actually really creative, props to you on that. However, you almost gave me a heart attack," he said before kissing your cheek and laughing a little bit more with you.

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