Christmas With Your Kid(s)

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Ashton: You pulled the warm vanilla cookies out of the oven, placing them on the counter to cool. Ashton then stepped in, "they done?" he questioned. You nod, "alright boys come down cookies are done!" you yelled up the stairs before hearing your 7 and 5 year old boys pounding down the steps. You had baked a total of 12 cookies and set 6 on each of their plates for them to decorate. You and Ashton both helped them make snowflakes, trees, and other Christmas-y things on the cookies. Once you all had finished you headed over to the sink to wash your hands not realizing Ashton behind you. He held is finger up to his mouth telling the boys to keep quite and when you turned he shoved a cookie on your face covering you in icing. You pretended to act angry for a second before joining the boys in laughter. When Ashton turned around heading back over to the boys you took this as an opportunity to shove one in his face causing an all out food fight between you all. You had to make more cookies for 'Santa' but it was fun and completely worth it.  

Calum: A little after you placed your 4 year old daughter down for a nap you and Calum instantly got to work in putting up the tree and placing the lights on for your daughter to help you when she woke. About an hour after you finished your daughter entered the room, and took a seat on Calum's lap, "hey baby girl, you want to help mommy and I decorate?" he asked. She jumped down in excitement and ran over to where you stood with the box full of decoration. You all hung things on the branches watching her carefully to make sure she didn't hurt herself with any hooks. Once the tree was almost finished Calum allowed her the honor of placing the star on top. He picked her up raising her up for her to put the star on before pulling her back into his arms. "Looks good," he smiled before kissing her cheek. 

Luke: "I'm so sorry babe, I know I promised I'd be home for Christmas but things are just so busy with the tour and album and I don't think I'll be home," Luke says into the phone. "Yea, I understand," you say trying not to cry. "I'll be home as soon as I can okay? I love you and tell the kids I love them too." That was the last thing he said before hanging up, it was a week before Christmas and you were looking to finally getting to see him again and so were the kids. The morning of Christmas day you woke up to a knock on the door. You pulled on your robe and hurried down the steps to see Luke with a bow on his head when you opened the door. You jumped in his arms hugging him and kissing him. The second you pulled away you heard your son and daughter yell, "daddy!" before running toward him as he bent down to pull them in for hug. 

Michael: You carry your baby boy down the steps as Michael sits on the couch in front of the tree. "Ready to see what you got?" Michael coos as you sit down with him resting in your lap. Michael makes his way over grabbing one of the things wrapped under the tree. He tears off the paper revealing a little guitar that lights up and plays music when you push one of the buttons. The baby's eyes light up and he giggles a bit as you bounce him along to the music. "You going to be little rock star too?" you ask the little baby and Michael laughs. 


Thank you so much for over 3k reads and all the votes I've recieved you guys are amazing! (:

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