He Surprises You

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He Surprises You


You walked out with your plate of food in hand heading to your normal table to sit. Soon some of your classmates begin to take their sits next to you but you noticed they all left a seat beside you empty making you a bit confused and worried that they were mad about something. Just when you were about to ask if everything was alright you heard a familiar voice behind you speak, "Is this seat taken?" You turned around and was met with a smiling Ashton, "You're supposed to be on tour!" you shout, getting up to hug him. He wraps his arms around you, "We had a few days off, I thought I'd surprise you," he explains. Once you pulled out of the embrace you both leaned in for a kiss. He pulled away slightly and mumbled against your lips, "I love you." "I love you, too," you say against his lips also before leaning in for another kiss.


You were currently at your job working at a very popular restaurant in town. It was currently the lunch rush and it was awful trying to run around taking everyone's orders and bringing countless numbers of plates to tables. As another person was seated in your section you groaned but picked up your notepad and headed towards the booth. "Hi my name is-" you were cut off in shock as Calum sat down the menu to reveal his face. Your fake smile now turned into a real one, "You're not supposed to be back for another week!" He nodded, "We finished recording early so we could all go back home sooner." You smiled, "Well good, because I missed you a lot." You leaned down giving him a kiss quickly, "Missed you too, babe," he began, "When do you get off for break?" You look at the watch on your wrist and smile, "Whenever I get done with these last few costumers." "Well hurry!" Calum shouts eager to spend more time with you. You nod and hurry to finish up your job and take a seat in the booth with Calum going through all the things each other missed while you both were apart.


You were sat on the couch reading a book placed in your lap with earbuds in and your music turned up. You must not have heard the door close because it wasn't long after you felt a tap on your shoulder. You expression was covered in fear but was soon replaced with happiness when you saw Luke standing there. You jumped up and pulled him in for a kiss. You felt Luke smile into the kiss causing you to smile as well. "I missed you so much!" you said once you break away from the kiss. "I missed you too," he says pulling you in for a hug. You both then take a seat on the couch, you lay your head on his chest while he runs his hands through your hair uttering a few 'I love you's' here and there but mostly just enjoying each others company before you may have to part again in a few days.


You received a text message from Michael while you were eating breakfast instructing you to go towards the door. You did as he said and unlocked the door opening it to find a small envelope on the ground outside of it. You picked it up and opened it to reveal a note inside saying to check the back door now. You walked back inside shutting the front door and now heading towards the back. You gasped as you looked out the glass sliding door to reveal Michael waving at you. You threw the envelope on the table and ran to open the door. When you finally got it open he smiled, "Hi, babe." You jumped into his arms and fortunately he caught you in his strong arms. "What are you doing here? I mean not that I mind, I missed you and love you, but aren't you supposed to be performing in LA!" you say. "Woah, calm down," he laughs, "I missed you too and I love you also, and as for LA that's not until next week I said it was today so I could surprise you, so surprise!" You smile before pulling him down for a kiss.

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