Beach Together

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Ashton: Ashton had just returned from tour and you both decided it would be nice to take a little vacation to the beach with him and your children. So here you sit on the sand laughing as your kids bury him in the sand. "Mummy help us!" your daughter shouts. You crawl over to them and help them shovel sand on poor Ashton. He just laughs with the kids until they've finally finished covering everything but his head and the kids get up to go play in the water. "Please help me?" he begs. You lean down and peck his lips before helping him dig himself out, "the things you do for those kids," you say with a bit of a laugh.

Calum: It was you and Calum's one year anniversary and he decided to take you to the beach. The sun was beginning to set as you both walked along the water holding each others hand swinging them back and forth between each other. You both were talking to one another when you shoved him playfully. He chuckled and shoved you back a little too hard causing you to fall with him landing on top of you. You both laughed probably getting the attention of everyone around you thinking you both were crazy but you both didn't care. He hovered over you and placed a quick kiss to your lips before standing up. He reached his hand out pulling you back up on your feet as you continued your walk.

Luke: You and Luke were sitting in the sand watching the waves roll in and out and just enjoying the nice weather and each others company. He leaned over and began writing with his finger in his hand. A few seconds later he had written "I love (Y/n)" in the sand causing you to awh at his adorableness. You pecked his cheek before leaning down and resting your head on his shoulder. "I love you too," you say as he wraps his arm around you. 

Michael: "It's hot," Michael whines. You sigh, you came to have a good time (and you're honestly feeling so attacked right now. Jk I'm sorry.) and all Michael has done is complain. "Can't you at least pretend to have a good time?" you ask. He shakes his head while trying to shield his eyes from the sun as he lays on the towel beside you. "I'm outdoors, how happy do you think I can be?" he responds. You stand up and grab his arm trying to pull him up, "c'mon, let's have fun!" you shout. He groans but gets up allowing you to drag him to the water. You splash him and he looks at you with an annoyed expression, "yes, such fun." He splashes you back and it gets in your mouth causing you to choke a bit from the salt water. A smile spreads across his face and he chuckles, "okay, that's kind of funny." You glare at him before continuing to splash each other with the water until you were both soaked. 


Question: What is your favorite movie? 

Mine's probably Titanic or Breaking Dawn Part 2 oops I like Twilight please don't kill me. 

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