How He Wakes You Up

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How He Wakes You Up

Ashton: When Ashton wakes in the morning to find you still wrapped in the blankets sound asleep, he'll lazily smile and shuffle closer to you. Ashton carefully wraps his arm around your waist before pressing a kiss to your forehead. After the he starts whispering sweet nothings in your ear until you finally open your eyes.

Calum: Calum smiles slightly when he opens his eyes to find you still sleeping. He gently rolls over on top of you straddling you waist. He then leans forward pressing kisses all around your face until you finally wake. You giggle slightly before grabbing the back of his neck and pressing him towards your lips for a real kiss.

Luke: Luke wakes and sees you still asleep with your back facing him. He moves closer and kisses your cheek lightly and places his hands on your back rubbing it lightly. You groan lightly, "That feels nice," you say once you've finally woken up. He then grabs your shoulder and turns you over to give you a kiss.

Michael: Michael, being the playful self he is, when he sees you're still asleep he'll grab the pillow he was using and begins hitting you with it shouting "Wake up!" over and over again until you get up laughing and gripping your own pillow joining him in a pillow fight.

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