His Nickname For You

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Ashton: "Hello, beautiful," Ashton says through the phones speaker, "I miss you." You smile sadly, "I miss you too, just a few more months though." Ashton sighs, "just one month was long enough! How am I going to survive 3 more?" You bite your lip before sighing yourself, "I know it's hard, it is for me too." There's a pause for a few moments before he asks, "how about you join me for a little bit?" A big smile spreads across your face, "I'd love to!"

Calum: "Babe..." Calum whines from the living room. "What?" you say in the same whiny tone he has used. "Come cuddle!" he pouts before patting the space next to him on the sofa, "I'll even let you pick what we watch, please?" You giggle at his pleading and walk over to have a sit next to him placing your head against shoulder.

Luke: "Hi, love!" Luke shouts as you walk through the door. You smile as he comes over to give you kiss. "How was work?" he asks. You groan, "awful, you wouldn't believe what happened," you say before beginning to tell him about something one of your co worker had managed to do to annoy you.

Michael: Michael groans, "baby! Quit poking me." You smirk and continue to poke his face. You were wanting something to eat but Michael was being too lazy to get up and call and order pizza. He lets out another loud groan, "fine." "Yay!" you shout and kiss his cheek. He laughs at you before he gets up to grab his phone saying that you're lucky he loves you.  

(A/n so I've decided I'm going to add a question at the end of every preference. 

So for the first question: What song are you guys most excited about on the boys new album?

I'm really excited for Amnesia it'll be nice to not having screaming in it haha

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