He's Jealous

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Ashton: You and Michael were sat in front of the TV playing some video game while Ashton went out to get food for everyone to eat. The front door shut and you heard Ashton groan, "you're still playing with him?" You nod not really paying much attention as you focus on trying to beat Michael. He sets the food down on the table and rests his chin in his hands watching you and Michael shove each other and try to distract the other to win. You can hear Ashton's annoyed huffs and finally pause the game. "Hang on a minute Michael," you say before setting the controller down. You grab Ashton's hand pulling him into another room, "what's wrong with you?" He rolls his eyes "you mean you actually paid attention to someone other than Michael today?" You give him a confused look for a minute before smirking a little bit, "are you jealous?"
He crosses his arms in front of his chest, "of course I'm not!" You shrug, "alright then," you lean up a little to whisper in his ear, "but if you were jealous it's kind of cute." You peck his cheek afterwards causing him to smile showing his adorable dimples.

Calum: You and Luke were watching a movie together while Calum was taking a shower. A few minutes into the film you felt your eyes getting droopy since you had to get up earlier this morning to be ready in time to go with the boys for their interview. Eventually you couldn't keep your eyes open any longer and fell asleep leaning your head on Luke as a pillow. When Calum walked in after his shower he felt a pang of jealousy looking at you asleep against Luke. Luke averted his eyes to Calum and noticed his stare on you against him. "Aw c'mon mate, you know she loves you. She just fell asleep that's all." Calum sighed, "you're right, I just don't like people taking my cuddles," he pouted.

Luke: The boys were having band practice and decided to take a bit of a break. By a bit of a break they mean watch TV for or play Fifa for 2 hours before finally going back to their instruments. Before Ashton got too far away from his drum set you went over to him. "Hey Ashton, do you think you could teach me how to play the drums?" He nodded before guiding you to the seat behind the drum set. He stood behind you with an extra pair of sticks in his hands showing you how to play one of the easier songs he knows and letting you copy his actions. You were almost half way done with the first son you began playing when Luke came back in the room, "Ash have you seen- oh there you are." He looks slightly annoyed when he sees how close you and Ashton are to each other. "I guess I'll leave you alone, let me know when you're done stealing my girlfriend, Irwin." You roll your eyes at his behavior, "Luke come here," you say before he can walk back out of the room, "he's not stealing your girlfriend! All he's doing is teaching me to play the drums, there's no need to be jealous Lukey." He smiles at the little nickname you have for him, "you're right, I'm sorry you two can continue."

Michael: You and Calum ran around outside kicking the football trying to get past the other to the goal at the edges of the yard. You were just a few feet from the goal and right before you kicked it in Calum knocked the ball out of your way and turning around running to his goal. You chased after him but before you caught up he kicked it in making a goal. "You suck," you whined. Calum smirked, "no, I'd say I'm doing pretty good. You on the other hand, you suck." You got the ball and began making your way towards the goal but were pushed down by Calum right before you kicked the ball. "Get off of me you!" you laughed as he sat on your back. He shook his head, refusing to get up, "I'm not letting you beat me." You both jumped when you heard a rather angry sounding Michael shout, "get the hell off my girlfriend!" Calum's eyes grew wide and instantly stood up. You got off the ground as well brushing off the dirt and grass from your outfit. "Michael calm down we were just joking around," you said. "I don't care, Calum needs to back off!" Michael continued to yell. That's when Calum spoke up, "Michael there's no need for you to worry I wouldn't dare take (y/n) from you. Her and I are just friends, okay?" Michael sighed but nodded his head, "okay, I'm sorry, just don't sit on my girlfriend and break anything." 

So I haven't updated in forever and I'm sorry, I'm a lazy bum.

Let's see who's first to point out the "Okay?" "Okay." in the chapter and mention The Fault In Our Stars haha

Question: Anyone got tickets to their tour next year?

I got tickets to see them in Bristow and I'm so excited to see them again! They're so amazing live omg!

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