A rocks as hard as your skull but not as easily smashable

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(Hosuhs pov)

"What do I- did you seriously just ask me that!?!" I yipped
"Ya I did... please tell me what it is?" Stephen said looking over at me with soulless eyes. Huh that's it.
"Your eyes." I said looking away from him
"My huh?" He said with a curious tone
"Well ya even in your toughest state, or no matter how dead they look there's always just that piercing ray of pure hope." I explain taking glances at his.
"Your body is an inspiring source Stephen." I said poping my head over to look at him.
"What do you mean?" he asked sitting completely down on the ground.
"I mean everything about you is important to me." I said standing up.
I looked down to see Stephen blushing and biting his bottom lip.

(Stephens pov)

(Every part ay?) Huh whatever I need to get up. I got up and picked up the dead mans body. I walked out the front door and noticed Luci and hosuh had followed.
"What are you two doing?" I questioned throwing the body on the ground
Hosuh looked down at Luci and smiled.
      "Well Luci here looks like he might not mind digging this man a shallow grave." He laughed alittle.
I started to laugh. "J-Jesus h-haha-hosuh where did you get the dark humor come from!?"
Hosuh was blushing "Oh shut up and let's get digging." He said silencing me.


I made him laugh oh my gosh. Now I know how most fan girls feel about there ships. I knelt down and attempted to lift up the body by its arms.
"Haha need some help?" Stephen said lifting by the mans legs.
Luci started to dig and before you know it we tossed this man into his new "home".
"I'm starving." I said looking back over to the "safe house".
"That's the first thing you think of after burying a man?" Stephen laughed.
Crash ran out side "you to want some food we just made some *sanmiches*"
"Speak of the devil." Stephen said taking my hand.
"Awww you two are so cuteeeeee!" Crash said hopping up and down.
"WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE!?!" Stephen and I said in almost unison.
"Hahahah, I'll just go get your plates ready." She said waddling herself back into the kitchen with Dan.


"Hahah I can't believe there holding hands right after they buried a man."
Crash looked at me and snickered. "I knew I wasn't the only one thinking it."
Crash and I looked at the door way as we saw the bois walks in still holding hands.
I cuffed my hands around my mouth "HA GAY!"
Stephen looked over at me and gave me a death glare.
"Sorry but also you should really wash your hands." I said looking away swiftly.
Hosuh looked down at there hands. "Ya he has a point."
They released each others hands and went to clean themselves up.
Luci ran in with a dead squirrel (Bork)
"Luci what the heck did you do!?" Crash said picking up the squirrel.


My human I have brought you this peaceful trade in favor of a piece that delicious looking meat slab! (bork, bork)

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