The hunt

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"Well, of course, I believe that the farther we are from people, the less likely we are to be infected," I said looking back at Stephen.
  "You don't think they're like zombies or something?" He asked.

[welp sorry Stephen but I'm a cliché writer so yes they are.]

"I don't know, but being that close to radiation would've killed them, but you said that they were fine and that they were chasing you, so I just assumed you might know something I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong." I said, getting Stephen's clothes from out of the dryer.

Stephen went into a small panic "Well, what if they are? Do you think that people over- you know where are going to drop bombs everywhere? Like how you said they were dropping bombs here in Montreal, and where do you think we would be safe? How would we get there? And how did you know that the bombs were going to even drop here?"
Stephen kept asking questions, and I could tell he was getting stressed out.
  "The reason I know the bombs were coming here was that there was a public service announcement about them. I don't know a safe place yet, but I just know that if we keep moving maybe we'll stumble upon a safer place than Montreal because anywhere is safer than here at this point in time." I said, trying to answer all his questions.
  "Alright...fine" Stephen said in compliance to my answers "but could you remove yourself from the bathroom and put my clothes over there on the sink or something I need to clean myself, and not just sit here in the water," Stephen said, removing his arms from around his legs and putting them down.
I walked out and heard him drain all the water in the tub, and start the shower. I also heard a muffled noise. I then saw Stephen partially open the door of the bathroom and put his boxers on top of the washing machine. So I just picked them up and put them in the washing machine.
A few minutes later I heard the shower stop and saw Stephen walk out in a towel.
"Hey Hosuh?" He questioned. "Are they clothes done?"

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