Silence begings

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(Hosuhs POV)

"Oh thank god! You're ok!" Stephen said wrapping his arms around me.
"Why wouldn't I be?" I giggled
I felt Stephen's body start to shake.
"Stephen are you..."
"No no no I'm fine I swear, it's just I stayed with you so long and the one time I leave you, you heal yourself am-am I the problem!?"
"No that makes no sense of course you're not the problem." I whispered.
He calmed down but I still felt him shaking.
"There's no need to cry I'm here aren't I?"
"I know but they didn't think you where going to make it, it made me start to give up! Why would I give up!?"
"Come on let's get out of this cramped car." I suggested.
Stephen back up out of the car and I came out along side him.
"Oh my god thank Jesus fucking Christ!" Crash yelled from inside the gas station.
"We got gas!" she came out screaming.
Dan saw me and instantly burst into tears then ran up to me and bear hugged me.
Crash came out with a gas canister but dropped it when she saw me.
"Holy god he's alive." She said doing a little skip then bounced her way up to me and joined the hugging session.
"Come on guys I found a place we can sleep for the night." Dan said with a shakey voice as he wiping his face of tears.
Stephen picked luci up and walked along side Dan to the parts garage that was attached to the station.
Crash past me and put the gas in the car and the extra gas cans into the trunk. She got into the car and started it she backed it up and pulled into the now open door of the garage.

(Btw the gas station there at is just like red rocket from fallout 4 just bigger and with more rooms if you know you know)

I walked into the garage and set my stuff up. Crash was rummaging through the garage. She came back out of the back rooms with multiple movies and a medium sized movie player.
"Guys pick from these movies pick 2." She said putting a stack of movies in front of use.
She walked off and continued to look at stuff.
"What a good movie?" I questioned.
"Ummm how about this one?" Stephen asked picking up silence of the lambs.
"And that one!" Dan said pointing at the hills have eyes.
"Horror movies!" I exclaimed.
"What are you scared already Hosuh?" Stephen laughed
"Haha you wish." I mumbled to myself.
Stephen was setting up the first movie (the hills have eyes) when a loud shot rang through our ears.
"Jes Sorry sorry I found a box of guns I just wanted to touch one." Crash yelled from one of the back rooms.
"Guns!" Stephen said jumping up and running to her.
Dan and I just sat and waited for the movie start.
"So what happened back in the woods?" Daniel asked. "Like before you fell and got knocked unconscious."
"Well you see I ummm I'm glad we had this talk."
"But you didn't tell me what happened" he said in a curious tone.
"This might sound so fucking crazy but well I was running up in the trees racing Crash, I saw her try and lift off and I stopped to see if she could do it. But when I saw her fall I felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck, and everything went dark I could still heir everything around me but I couldn't see or move I could still feel the pain in my neck I felt everything. But when I heard myself talking to Crash I just went limp because I knew that she wasn't talking to me but what ever had done this to me." I started to trail off.
"And is that when you fell from the tree?" He asked.
"I didn't fall! after that thing left Crash it came back to me it was breathing down my neck until it saw you guys run up on crash, then it pushed me off the tree." I said swiping the back of my neck.
"Oh did you see what it was?" He asked.
"No but it was very accurate in the way it copied my voice but he more you would listen to it the more you could tell it was struggling to keep up its act."

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