Call upon the darkest people

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(Stephen's POV)

I woke up to the smell of fire Crash and Dan had woken up earlier then I had and Hosuh was still fast asleep. But waking up to him in my arms already had my day going to a good start. I leaned over and kissed his forehead.

(Hosuh's POV)

     I felt a lit tug at my bangs as the warm feeling pulled away. I slowly opened my eyes to see Stephen had laid himself down next to me again. Feeling his warm breath and just the warmth that radiated from him was enough to make me feel calm and sleepy.
     I moved my head up on my pillow a little bit and was meet by the smiling face of Stephen. To see him happy made my life feel so perfect.
     "Huh oh well good morning scaredy-cat." Stephen said booping the top of my nose.
     "Hey it's not my fault we're out here now is it." I said playfully taping Stephen on the shoulder.
     Stephen smiled brightly down at me, "Of course not, come on I think I smell food." Stephen said untucking us both from the blankets.
     "Crash, Dan did you guys make food!?" Stephen shouted.
     Crash came scrambling in with a large plate of food in hand.
     "You two just know Dan made this, and it's both of y'alls so share it. We need to make do with our food supplies." She said holding the plate out for one of use to grab.
     I grabbed the plate and set it down between Stephen and I.
     When a loud glassy sound rang out, the sound of braking glass could be heard from the next room over I saw Luci dart up from his corner and run over to the room.
     "Wtf?" Crash and Stephen both questioned in unison.
     We all stood up and ran to one of the back rooms after grabbing weapons.
     (Stephen rampant rifle, Hosuh long daggers, Crash micro SMG)

(Crash POV)

     We saw Luci ripping at something in the corner. I took aim and whistled out to Luci. He backed away and ran toward us, then stopping and sat down next to Hosuh.
     "Who's there?!" I called out holding the two SMG's sideways so they overlapped each other.
     The only thing we got in response was a loud but low guttural grunt.
     "What the fuck?" Stephen said letting his rifle scope drop.
     "Dan?" Hosuh questioned.
     "Can't be Dans on the other side of the garage. I looked over to Luci.
     "Hey Luci go get Dan!" I commanded to the young wolf.
     He understood and ran out in search of the green haired man.
     Stephen, Hosuh and I just kept facing the noises that came from the corner each of us with a weapon drawn.
     "Ugh FUCK IT!" Stephen shouted as he shot bullets into whatever had been sitting there.
     Hosuh looked so scared and the only thing I could think of was, why...why would he do that.
     Hosuh's face turned to horror at the mans actions and walked to him.
     "What in the actual HELL was that for." Hosuh said pulling Stephen down to his level by his hoodie. "For all we know that was just a man looking for food." He shouted at the taller male.
     I kept my eye focused on the figure in the corner as it slowly dropped. First drop to its knees and last to the concrete floor. It unholy stench brought a tear to my eye as I fired a round from each gun into this things corpse. Dan and Luci wiped around the corner.
     "I heard gun fire what did I miss!?" he questioned.
     He then noticed the lifeless husk of a former being on the floor. He covered his nose and mouth.
      "Holy shit who is that?" He gasped
     Stephen Hosuh and I all yelled to the man "how the fuck/heck are we supposed to know?!"

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