No Matter your speed you can not out run me

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(Stephens pov)

     When we got to the part in the movie when they found their dead dog, Hosuh moved as close to me as possible. He was technically sitting on my lap at this point.
"Ha hey Hosuh you alright this to spoopy for ya?" I asked looking over at the tiny boy.
"Haha ya I'm alright. It's just that poor animal, it must suck to know what happened and not be able to do anything about it ya know?!" He said looking up at me with his beautiful cyan eyes.
Crash sat up and looked over at us "y'all just gonna sit there and look into each other's souls or are you gonna watch the movie!?" She laughed.
We both frantically looked away from each other and locked eyes with the small tv screen. We where now at the part where they stole they baby.

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