Letter Thirty Seven

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Everyday I wish to come back to you love. Everyday I wish to bring you good news. Everyday I wish I could tell you my life is where I want it to be, but I can't and I don't know when I will. It is so hard for me not to write you, but things are a mess and I don't know how to tell you. My life has changed, but for better or for worse? I do not know.

Here I am, trying to be the best influence for you. I want to change the world, yet I can't even change myself. Well, that isn't necessarily true. I have changed. I am much different than before, but I don't think it's a good different.

I turned 17 last month. 321 days now until I'm an adult. I wish I could write you every day leading up to then, but you and I both know I won't. I just can't keep letting you down because I'm not only letting you down, I'm also letting down myself.

I don't know.

I need help.

I don't know who I am anymore.

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