Letter One

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It's such a sad thing, to see such a bright and pretty face fade to nothing. Their life becoming overwhelming and they can feel it breaking in the palms of their hands. No matter where they go, no matter what they do, something goes wrong.

Does anyone even notice me? I think if someone truly looked at me they would see the pain in my eyes, and the tired and weakness in my face. Does anyone even care anymore? It's hard to convince myself that someone does, but I know out there, wherever it may be, someone loves and cares for me...or at least one day will. I mean, hey, you're reading this, aren't you? You could have stopped when I first warned you, but you didn't. Thank you.

I guess I should tell you a little more about myself. I'm not the best student in school, even though I take Honors Classes, I just haven't been putting forth enough effort. I spend most of my time either with my best friends, writing, drawing, singing, or playing guitar and piano.

What do you like to do? I'm curious. Since you are my friend, I'd like to know a little bit about you.

Before I go for the night, I'd like to leave you with this:

Sometimes it feels like the end of the world, like you can't go any further, but just think you have a whole life still ahead of you, even if one thing didn't go as planned, you'll never know how the story will quite end unless you keep it going.

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