Letter Six

620 37 16


My dear friend, I feel so lost.

Hopeless. Useless. Worthless.

I feel like I'm alone. So so so alone, but I'm not. I know I have people that care, but I just feel alone. I know people love me, but I just feel unloved and worthless. I don't know what's happening to me. I'm being sucked into a dangerous place. My mind.

I don't even know myself anymore.
I fear myself.
I fear what I am capable of.

I want to be worth something for once. I want to feel needed. I want to be happy.

I just don't get it. I really don't. Just when everything seems to be getting better, it just always has to go 10x worse. Like when you suddenly start to like your life, your life is like "well this can't happen, let me make something bad happen." I just wish I was happy. Doesn't someone else out there want me to be happy too? It feels like everyone is against me, and when people say mean things, it's like everyone is oblivious to my feelings. Almost as if I have no feelings, as if I don't feel pain and sadness like everyone else.

I just can't take much more, and I know I say that all the time, but it's true,
the more I hurt, the more tolerance I have, washes away. I seriously can't do this anymore.

Can't someone see this?

Before it's too late?


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