Letter Twenty Five

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"One of the scariest feelings in life is when you realize you aren't afraid to die. You don't look when you cross the road anymore. When you take pills you take however many come out. You're not afraid when you hear those creepy creaking noises in your house anymore, because you hope they'll get you. You seek out dangerous things, because you want to die. You stop caring about yourself, totally and completely. Nothing about you matters anymore, and at some point you look at yourself and become scared of yourself. Because you're a monster, one who only hurts itself. And that's scary."

How are you, my darling? I hope you are well. How am I? I'm a wreck. I am depressed and suicidal. I could kill myself right now without a second thought. I can't take the world anymore. I am hurting and I am done. But you don't want to hear that, do you? So, I'll just say I'm fine and we will move on.

My weekend was peachy. To be honest, I don't even want to really talk about it. I don't even know why I am writing. It is silly and pointless. I'm sorry I waste your time, my love. You shouldn't. I am not worth your time at all. I am worth no one's time.

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