Chapter 2 - New School

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Janus's P.O.V

I woke up to my mother opening my curtains and letting the blinding light into my room and open the windows. The annoying chirping sound of birds reached my ears from the window.

"Wake up Janus, it's time for school," My mother threw my duet off onto the floor, "Remember it's your first day!"

I had just moved school after a bunch of idiots bullying me for my appearence. Honestly, why the hell do they do that? I mean, we all look different plus it's not what you look like so why are you complain?

My mother exited my room and I heard the kettle turn on.

I slowly dragged myself out of my bed and tripped over to my wadrobe and grabbed out some clothes. I grabbed a paradise yellow shirt and a black and yellow hoodie with black jeans.

Simple yet my asthetic.

I walked downstairs to my mother spreading butter on two pieces of toast and two coffee. After she finished she grabbed a piece of toast and one of the cups of coffee I did the same and we ate in a comfortable silence.

We had finished eating and drinking and I grabbed my backpack and we drove to main school enterance.

My mother and I walked into school and she began to sign me in and get my schedual for the rest of the school year.

The process was swift and I was eventually abandoned into the enormous hell I was going to stay in for what seems like forever. I looked at my map and saw where the cafeteria is, I need people to stay with if I was going to survive.

I peered into the hall, clearly the football team took three tables for them and their admirers. The cheerleaders joined them. Drama geeks sat in the corner next to them clearly, they had a lot of props on the tables. In another corner that was unsually darker than the rest probaly are the trouble makers or the wall flowers. And there they were. Logan's friends. Should I go to them?

"Hey! Janus!" Patton called out, "Come sit with us!" Logan had his face burried in his hands. He didn't want me there. But Patton did. I smiled at the thought and I unknowingly was walking to their table.

He patted a seat next to him and they all began talking to each other. There were some new faces, well some, I mean two. One had a leather jacket on and some sunglasses on. The other was wearing a big light brown cardigen and a pastel tie. Both very different from one another.

Then again this whole table has a giant mix of people some how all being friends. Then there's me. The outcast. No one is talking to me. They are all talking around me.

"Congrats!" I heard a convesation that sparked my interest.

"Yeah!" We only just got together this morning!" Patton announced. Who is he with? Others began to congratulate him but who was he with. I descided to congratulate him just to be polite but I want to know. No. Need to know.

"Nerd, I didn't know you had it in you!" Roman said as he ruffled my cousin's hair. He had a giant sparkling smile plastered on his usually neutral expression.

I know what I was feeling yesterday. Jealousy.

I hated the fact that Patton was happy with someone else. I hated the fact I have no chance with him. I'm just a flithy lier. He could never like someone like me.

The bell eventually rang and we all left to our respective classrooms.

My first class was with the man of the hour. Logan. It was Chemisty and I was put next to him to get up to date with all of the work.

I'm assuming our teacher knew we were cousins and assumed we'd get along. Well he was wrong. Other than that, Mr Sanders was a decent teacher and one could guess he was a comedian.

Then it was the register. I will gt in trouble for my little, problem. Maybe Mr Sanders knows about it.

"Janus Fiction," Mr Sanders called out.

"I'm not here," I say loyd enough for him to hear.

"Mr Fiction, you do realise that this is not funny," Mr Sanders sternly said. I heard Logan groan, he was the only way to get out of this situation annoyingly.

"I apologise for my cousin Sir," Logan began explaining, "He can only speak in lies to people for some reason, he can tell the truth but won't,"

"Alright..?" Mr Sanders tried to understand.

The hour went by slowly with psychopathic thoughts about me taking my cousin's lover and breaking his delicate little heart. Honestly I couldn't care less about what he feels and he feels the same about me. I wouldn't even feel bad. He may slightly deserve Patton but that doesn't make me less entitled to a wonderful person like him.

The bell rang for our second lesson. I heard earlier that Patton had this class and bonus, no Logan. I spent that hour gazing at the beautiful boy lovingly but with each stare was hoping he wouldn't see. It was an anxiously wonderful lesson, not because of what I supposedly learn but because he was there.

Soon it was lunch and all I saw was Patton swooning over Logan like some sort of Disney princess. I couldn't look away from it. But me, the master of deceit, can easily pretend my jealousy doesn't exist.

"Hey!" Patton caught everyone's attetion, "Does anyone wanna come round to my house for a sleepover tomorrow?"

I heard sevearl people agreeing and so I join in by just nodding because obviously, I would lie.

"Alright!" Patton announced, "You all know where to go!"

He approached me with a piece of paper and placed it in front of me. It appeared to be all of their numbers and Patton's address. I smiled at the unrealistic thought of them actually wanting to be friends with me.

I arrived home and immediately greeted my mom as I entered to announce I was home. I went upstairs first to speak with my best friend, Deceit.

"The school day ended as quick as it started. Somehow I had already been accecpted into a large group of friends and got invited to a sleepover! These people are actually really insane if they trust me right off the bat," I told him about my day as he attetentively looked at me as he was wrapped around my wrist. As Logan said, I almost always speak in lies and this is one of those times I don't lie. I mean, why would I?

I slowly put him back into his cage as I was called for dinner by my mom. She's gonna want to kbow what happened to me at school.

I sat down at the table with my food and looked over at the empty seat where he sat. He left about 10 years ago but still I miss him even though I don't remember much.

"So, how was school Janus?" My mother asked as she sat oposite me.

"It wasn't fine," I told her.

"So did you get any new friends?" She asked desperately trying to keep a conversation.

"No, I didn't sit at a table with Logan and his other friends," I said, "Can I not go to Patton's house for a sleepover tomorrow without he others,"

"Sure but make sure you and the others don't drink!" She responded delighted that I had friend.

"We will drink, Pattons parents do have alchol," I imformed her.

"Good," She mumbled.

We finished our food in complete silence other than the sounds of cars and people as they pass by our house.

End Of Chapter. 1306 Words.

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