Last Supper(46)

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Dipper POV

We practiced non stop, day in day out for 6 days. Bill had gotten better at ending the battle quickly and not snapping like he had before, but we were all still worried about what he would do when faced with the real thing. I had gotten much better, my first fight with Baku I had my ass handed to me and Bill exploded from the stands and destroyed the statue, but a few rounds later and I was doing much better I started holding my own. Wendy was a boss, she held her own and only a fight after losing she won, competition has always brought the best out of her. Marcel was overwhelmed again with Asura but refused to leave the arena till he bet her, it took a few more hours but he found his way around the water and to her. Ana and Kalee quickly took out their aponates and battled a few times only losing once or twice.

We got a message from Leviathan yesterday afternoon that he was ready for us, he told us to me on Royaume by noon today. Bill wanted to leave a little late so that we would get there late and piss off Leviathan, but I talked him out of that idea. No reason to piss off the people that already want our heads mounted on their walls.

Today we weren't fighting, instead we move about the castle quietly, even me and Bill would only whisper to each other.

We all stood in the throne room, ready to leave but stalling. We stood staring at the door knowing we would have to leave but not really wanting to. The silent agreement was that someone would have to take the first step but none of us wanted too.

Ana was finally the one to move first, she put her hands on the castles doors casting a portal spell to it so that when it opens it will open to right outside Royaume's front gates. She did the spell than stepped back silently not wanting to be the first to open the door.

I knew it should be me or Bill, but not wanting to go alone I took his hand. He looked at me a little confused but I just stepped forwards walking us to the door. He seemed to understand and placed his other hand on one of the doors, I put mine on the other, together we gave the doors a light push and swung open showing us the gates.

The Heads and a set of guards stood waiting for us. Bill squeezed my hand and I felt him lean back, he was falling into that cocky I-don't-give-a-shit attitude, I followed his example, falling into the I-could-give-less-fucks look, leaning back and tilting my chin up with him.

The others seemed to follow suit and stepped up behind us, we all walked through the door together.

With a flick of his wrist the doors closed behind us and the portal disappeared, "Leviathan, Heads, nice to see all of you again." Bill greeted them like old friends, smirking at his own joke.

"Cipher, this way." Leviathan dead panned and all the heads turned at the same time and walked through the gates, Bill didn't hesitate to follow pulling me along, I could hear the others walking close behind us and could see the guards fall into line behind them.

The Head lead us threw the second set of gates and all the way down the center walkway.

On the way I recognized where we were, I could see the school and gardens, I even recognize some of the gardeners who waved at me smiling before they saw who I was walking with, then they frowned in confusion.

Bill squeezed my hand when he felt me slow, he followed my look to the garden but he didn't say anything, just pulled on my hand a little to pull my attention back to him. I speed back up with him and shook my head, mouthing 'sorry'. He shook his head and mouthed 'it's ok'

The heads lead us through the first floor of the castles and too the back stair way. "Careful now, it's a long walk." Charun said before floating off the ground, I followed suit He's not wrong it's a lot of stairs and I never got used to them.

Weirdmageddon: The Heads (Billdip)Where stories live. Discover now