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((Also all of this was written on my phone which had horrible spell correct so I apologize now.))
Dipper POV

I could feel that I was laying in someone's lap, I'm almost positive that it's Bill's but I couldn't tell for sure.
Once we got settled I had closed my eyes and leaned my head back on him.
"Pinetree? You were going to say something to us. What was it." Bills voice filled my head I groan a little, the pain was gone but I was left extremely tired and wanting a nap.
But instead I cracked my eye opens and sat up a little, "I got a memory. It's weird though... it was from way back when me and Mabel were just kids. We were at home but than a demon showed up, he pulled my mother aside and spoke with her than came in a spoke with me. He asked me a couple of questions, one of those questions was 'have I ever met a monster before?' I was... 4 I think but I said yes. I don't even remember why. But he smile and then asked if I could remember where I had met the monster. Young me said that I was readed a picture book and suddenly one of the monsters on the pages came to life and starting talking to me." I paused the memory was burned into my brain but it was still hard to understand, because I have that memory but not the ones leading up to it so half of the things I was saying made no sense to me. "The last thing he asked of me was 'What did the monster say to you' my response was... 'he called me special and to not worry because he would keep me safe' but I don't understand but he just nodded and then disappeared. It all is super weird."
Kalee tilted her head a little, "how do you know he was a demon?" she asked.
"He was glowing a little and from behind his glasses I could see his Couronne at the time I didn't know about it then but when the memory replayed I recognized." I answered.
"What did he look like?" Bill asked, I could feel his voice rattle in his chest vibrating into my back. With the pain ebing away I could feel the slight rocking I was in because of his breathing.
"Tall. white... everything, and when I say everything I mean it; hair, clothes, and freaking skin. But one thing wasn't he was wearing sunglasses, the thin square type. They were black." I explained.
"Leviathan." Kalee leaning back on her hands, "shit..."
"Head number one? Why would he come see you?" Bill asked his arms tighting around me.
"He wanted to know about that demon... but I don't even know about the demon. But Bill I think it was you" as I spoke he arms got even tighter.
"No other demon has spoken to me like that. Told me I would be safe."
"I would remember wouldn't I?" He asked leaning his head on mine.
"I don't know this was a long time ago it might have been part of the memories you lost, or maybe there is another demon." I said, "It's all really confusing."
"I think it was a different one. You said you were 4 back then right? Bill's memories were taken long before that and I would have seen if he did something like that," Kalee spoke up and Bill lifted his head from mine.
"I almost forgot I had a stocker. " he huffed. I could feel my eyes get heavier and I lay my head on Bill's shoulder again. "I think this means the conversion over, I'm going to take sleepyhead to bed now. We can talk later."
Was the last thing I heard from Bill before falling asleep.

Bill POV

Pinetree fell asleep on me as I slowly stood with him in my arms. As I turned to opened the cage door and leave she spoke again, "wait..."
"What is it?" I asked not turning back to her.
"Do you really not remember killing my family?" She asked, her voice was quiet and a lot weaker sounding that it had before.
"No I don't. I'm sorry I guess. I understand a little I would be lost without my family." I stared out at Stan's cage where he was sleeping.
"I don't know if I believe you or not but the way you are with the boy... I don't know your... not what I had seen from afar." Her voice go lower and lower as she spoke.
I had no response to that so I opened the door walked out and closed it behind me.
I took Pinetree up stairs, as I passed through the throne room Ana was sitting my throne her nose in a book. When I walked in she lifted her head.
"How'd it go? What happened?" She asked closing her book on her thumb to keep the page.
"He was only in pain because of a memory breaking through the glass mom put in his head." She raised a brow.
"And what memory would that be?" She asked.
"I'll tell you in a minute but I have to take him to bed." I said making sure she saw Pinetree in my arms.
She nodded me away and stood from the throne, "I'm going to go put my book back, I'll meet you in here." she said than walked towards her door.
Once she left I walked to my door and because my hands were full I pushed the door open with some magic and made my way down the hall to my room.
When we got there I placed the sleeping book on the bed and pulled some blanks over him.
I turned away to leave quietly but I felt a hand grab onto my wrist. It was weak but still stopped me from taking a step away from the bed.
"Bill...?" He whispered.
"Hey, hey..." I says as I turned around. An smile creeped onto my lips as I crouched down next to the bed, "you should get some sleep a lot happened today," I whispered to him.
He gave a slight nod and turned onto his side facing me, "Bill"
"Yes, Pinetree?"
He reached and put a hand on my cheek, with a soft sleepy smile he said, "I love you."
'Three words, whoever knew three small words could mean so much. I sure didn't'
"I love you more," I whispered.
He shook his head, "Not possible."
I laughed and kissed his lips, "Gets some sleep, ok?"
"Ok." With that I kissed his forehead and stood slowly backing away from the bed and quietly creeping out of the room.
Once I was out of the room I just teliported to the throne room where I found Ana waiting for me.
"So what happened?"
I sat her down and explained everything that had just happened in the cages. She sat quietly but every now and again her eyes would widen a little or her brows would pull together in confusion and I did my best to explain the memory.
"What would Leviathan want with Dipper and who was the demon in the book?" She asked when I queued that I was done talking.
"I have no idea. Pinetree doesn't even know I'm hoping he will get more memories but I'm worried about him getting the wrong ones." I shook my head of the thought, "Mom said he went through a lot and remembering it all might be a bad idea for him."
"This is going to be a long week isn't it?" She asked with a heavy sigh.
"Yeah I thinks so," I nodded.
"I'm going to talk with Mom and Adis tomorrow with Pinetree, would you like to come?" I asked changing the subject a little.
"No me and Wendy are going to stay home." She said. Then a thought came to her and I could tell it was no good by the evil look she got on her face, "Sooooooooooo"
"Oh no.." I mutter as she smiled like a crazy woman.
"I know that you had sex with Dipper," she giggled.
"I'm not talking about this with my sister." I growled crossing my arms looking away trying to hide my blush.
"Awwww why not," she whined, "wait!!" She gasped and grabbed at my shoulder, "where you the Bottom!" She screeches hurting my ears and shoulder were she digs her nails into my skin.
"Get off me women. No I was not!" I shouted. It's the truth I was not, but knowing Pinetree I could have been if he wanted it. "I will not have this conversation with you!" I stood throwing her off me.
She just fell back laughing her ass off.
I growled and stomped out of the room leaving for down the hall I get some sleep and he ready for the next day
Ya ya I know I'm a little late. Sorry...
this chapter was really weird, I wanted him to have a good plot moving memory but when I went to write it my mind went completely blank on any ideas so writing was slow and I have no idea how this is going to go.
So hold in there I promise this all will tie together... at some point.

Side note:: if any of you are writers like me or just mythology loving nerds ((also like me)) you should go watched Overly Sarcastic Production they have everything and I love Red.
The account is run by two people Red and Blue. Red does Trope Talks ((which are some of my favorite videos of theirs)) and a bunch of old myths from all kinds of religions. ((Also all of this is animated and it looks fantastic))
Blue does real history, he can't draw tho so he just has super cool pictures. ((I love Blue but I walk more videos from Red.))
Their freaking awesome and you should go watch them.

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