Water logged(41)

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((Idk how to write combat So don't kill me if this is awkward))

Marcel POV

It started abruptly.

One moment I was on my feet blocking Ghoul from tearing apart Bill's face. And the next.


The moment the water hit my body I knew who attacked me.

Asura, Seat two, she has water abilities. In the Arena she was known for drowning her opponents.

My eyes burned and i could barely see but I felt the smoothing water move.

An air pocket open next to me, her first connected with my side.

Air rushed from my lungs, water burned my throat as I tried to breath.

The water moved again, this time from a different direction. I created a shield over my side, but the blow went to my head.

I fell to my knees, the weight of the water becoming heavier.

She wasn't even hitting me hard, but the water made it worse.

My throat burned, lungs felt like someone dropped a brick in each. No matter how much I squinted I could barely make anything else out. I know I'm the only one in drowning. I can see the moving forms of others fighting. But I can't tell who is friend, and who is fow. Even worse I have no idea which one is Asura. I can't attack back. What I hit one of my own.

Countless ideas where quickly pushed from my thoughts as I was hit again.

Do you know the feeling of being slammed into a wall and punched in the chest? I do, it fucking hurts. The water was so dense it felt like I was pinned in place to be her punching bag.

My ears rang but I couldn't tell if it was from pain or the force of the water. Most likely both.

Red water filled my vision making it harder to see.

A hand gripped my arm hard, I felt my body dragged from the water.

I couldn't catch my breath fast enough. Between coughing up blood and water, and being tugged to my feet.

"I have a stupid idea. But it just might work!" Kalee.

A water wall slammed into us. My newly found air forced out my lungs in seconds.

Kalee's hand held tight to my arm. She had to be as blinded but she didn't seem to be as beaten as I was. Who was she fighting? Did she even fight someone? What about the others?

I had no time or air to ask because Kalee was quickly removing us from the water.

"I need to to encase everyone in glass expect for me and you. Get everyone, even the people on our side" she said in a rush, her voice was scratched and her breathing was heave.

I could still barely see, but even with water stained eyes I could see she was hurt. She had fought.

I tried to speak, but instead I coughed up water and only made horse wheezing noises.

"We don't have time for you to protest! Just do it!" She shook me sending jolts of pain up what was most likely a broken arm.

I hissed in pain, but she didn't apologize or stop. "I can get the others out once you have done it. But we need time to think! This is all to sudden and we are obviously outnumbered." She cried angrily.

With what strength I had left I crouched to the floor pressing my hands on the cold wet ground.

Pink glass engulfed the room, hitting pause on all the major boss battles going down.

I collapsed to my side, no longer having enough power to stand or even sit.

I heard Kalee say something but whatever it was I couldn't understand it before I passed out.

((IIIIIIIIIIIIIII CANNNNNNNN'TTTTTT WRIIIIIIIIIITEEEEEE. Pff I'm dying. How do you final-show-down. Send help.))

Kalee POV

"Is he alright?" I asked as Ana stood up from her place over a passed out Marcel and Dipper. Bill was pacing with fire at his feet.

"He's fine. Him on the other hand is not" she said pointing over her shoulder over at Bill.

"I will kill him." Bill growled.

"Bill I think we all want to kill him. The actual question is should we. And what would we even do after? They are the rulers of all demon kind, Would you like to have a bunch of demons without leaders on your hands because I don't." I growled looking around the room at the demons, each frozen in combat mood. Terrifying looks con each of their faces.

"You know a while ago, it was Pinetree's idea to replace them. Have me and him ruling the demons." He crouched over Dipper messing with his hair.

"That's a stupid idea" Ana groaned, "He was spending way too much time with, the poor boy needed to get out some."

"I take offense to that" Bill but a hand to his hard and bated his lashes in fake hurt.

"It's true. Besides I think we should wait for them to wake up before we decide anything. Marcel worked in their castle, and Dipper lived there. They both know more about these demons than we do. They should have a say in this." Wendy said, sitting on the floor out of breath and badly bruised and bleeding.

"Ok let's wait. In the meantime I'll tend to the wounds, if we do end up fighting them again we should be at full strength." Ana said standing, "I'll go get my stuff, Wendy stay here you'll be first than I want you to help me with the others."

"Ya ok." Wendy answered flopping back on her back.


Hey I'm back.

Sorry it took so long, I took the week off like I said I would and after that I was also taking it slow getting back into school work and stuff that I would work on the chapter a little at a time.

Sorry if this chapter isn't super, like I said at the time I have no experience in writing combat. So I did a lot of googling and reading to figure something out. And I did write a fight scene between Bill and Leviathan but I ended up hating it so I deleted it and wrote this instead. If you have any tips for writing combat that would be great. I don't think I plan anymore for this book but I know I will write some in the future and would like to learn how.

For those of you wondering I'm doing a lot better, I've gotten out of auto pilot mood for now. I'm not completely healthy(mentally or physically) because my life sucks.

But I'm much better and am really happy to be writing again. 

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