Safe Name(21)

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((I tried updating last night but something was wrong with our wifi so it didn't let me. Sorry this is later that I wanted it to be))

((How are we already in chapter 21!! this book is going to have a lot more chapters than the last one that's for sure! Also I'm working on the castle layout and I'm kind of basing it on off of the walls in Attack on Titan, but not in a circle. It's not complete so I am still trying really hard to get out chapter idea for tonight.))

Bill POV

We had to take a break, my head was screaming whatever they were doing to my boy breaking him.

But he's strong, I know he won't go down without a fight.

Hold on Pinetree I'm coming for you...

Dipper POV

Hold on Pinetree I'm coming for you...

Words like these haunted my nightmares. The soft whispers accompanied by a cat like grin and sharp tools.

They started switching days, one day Charun would come in and burn through my head and memories scouring all of them, especially the ones with Bill in them. Then the next day Sphinx would come in and rip at my skin, she would push me to use my powers than use them against me.

The day time was torture, literally. Strange would leave in the morning and barely an hour later Sphinx or Charun would come in and they wouldn't leave till late that day when Strange came back and kicked them out.

He would tend to my wounds and sooth me the best he could, he would hug me, read to me, talk to me, he would do everything to get my mind of the events of the day. I started to dread when he would leave and beg for him to come back, because when he was around I was safe.

Today Churan had visited me, and done what he normally does, my head felt on fire and that phrase, Hold on Pinetree I'm coming for you... stung the back of my eye lids and made my ears ring.

It was Bill... right? Bill Cipher?

It was hard to think, when I would try to remember something the memories would be burly and hurt my head, especially if it had to do with that name.

But I know him, I know I was every close to him. I know I don't want to forget him.

I would force myself to look through those memories and push past the pain in order to not forget him.

Because I can't forget Bill Cipher.

"Starling?" Strange ask, he walked me over to the couch my chain only allowing my to sit on one side, but he still sat with me. "What are you thinking about?"

"What Seat 7 did to day ((when to type day, ended up typing gay)) my head still hurts a little" I had learned the hard way I wasn't to call them by their names but rather their seat number, or when speaking about Charun. Apparently I have not earned that privilege yet, though I don't know how to do that.

"Let's get your mind off that hm? How bout I read to you?" he asked playing with my hair a little, I nodded, he stood and walked to his bookshelf and pulled one down, "This was one of the original rulers books, I kept it out of interest to see what kind of things they read. It's called We Crown the Renegades do you wish to hear this one?" he asked holding the book up for me to see it, the cover was blank other than the title, but all books in here were like that.

I nodded again and he smiled bringing the book over to the couch, he sat very close to me and patted his leg. I scooted closer and throw my legs over his leaning into him as he opened the book to the first page.

He started to read and I rested my head on his shoulder.

((Promise this is still a Billdip book, I'm just an asshole. I did warn you))

We were about halfway through the book when I fell asleep, the pain in my head had dulled enough for me to do so. Other than when Strange was here, my favorite time had become when I was asleep. I got real alone time, and even though it was boring it was still needed. And in my dreams the memories of Bill Cipher became a lot less pain full and I could actually see and understand them. It was like a check up, a reminder of who I really am and where I truly belong.

"Bill Cipher- Dream Demon, ruler of earth, my boyfriend. I love Bill Cipher. I need Bill Cipher. Tad Strange kidnapped me and took me away from Bill Cipher." I would repeat to myself in my dreams and to myself when I woke in the mornings.

I must not forget Bill Cipher.

When I woke in the morning Strange was gone, my heart dropped. I must have slept in. which means Sphinx could be here at any minute.

In my panic I found that when I slept Strange had moved me from the couch to the bed so know I was sitting up hugging me knees in the bed staring at the door wait for the cat like women to come through the door.

Instead when the door opened, Sphinx wasn't alone... Charun was with her... they had come on the same day.

They walked in sink with each other, and closed the door behind them.

((I'm trying to write this but it's making me shake, but I don't want to switch POVs... I hate that I can't write this as detailed as I want to))

--Time Skip, brought to you by my PTSD shakes--

Two days... they... were here two days. They didn't leave didn't stop they barely took time to breath. They never let me breath, I didn't sleep I didn't eat. All I did was scream and cry in pain as my everything, inside and out were lit on fire with gasoline. They brought out new and worse tricks they hadn't used before, they combined their talents to make everything worse... worse.

My throat felt sore and I could barely open my eyes.

Two names swam in my head, one felt kind and would bring relief to some of my pain, the other... the other made it worse, it's like my mind and body rejected the name, and wanted nothing to do with it.

I was starting to agree.

I wimpered the name that brought relief hoping some how they would hear my migger call for help.




Hahahahahahahahaha I warned you this is what I like to do.

Ok so I'm a little obsessive and it wouldn't feel write to write out Bill's plains for getting Dipper back without creating the castle layout first so that I can map out how they get in. ((also because I'm dyslexic and seeing things in pictures help my brain think it out better)) but that lay out entails everything in the castle, the measurements of how how much there is, and drawing the actual escape route and how long it would take them to get to Stranges room.

Am I going to far with this?? Idk also If you want to get updates on the castle I post about it on Instagram((shameless self promo)) 

Also I had a lot of fun at Con ((other than when someone's smoke effect set off the fire alarm and we were evacuated into the pouring rain))

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