Tad Strange(17)

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Bill POV

Tad Strange. The name ringed though my head.

The man's smile fell, "did you not hear me? He's mine!" With a snap of his fingers Pinetree was no longer beside me instead he stood with Tad in front of my throne.

A growl came up my throat.

"Hush now," He said to me before turning to Pinetree. He wrapped an arm around him and touched his face making Pinetree look at him. "Starling I promised to keep you safe so many years ago. I find that watching you from afar isn't enough I must have my little constellation for myself. And I saw you were with him. Starling I can give you much more, more than this silly little planet. Come away with me~"

Pinetree took a slow step back, Tad let him.

"I don't even know you..." he said barely above a whisper.

I felt something in my chest break a little 'He didn't say no'

"But you do, My name is Tad Strange" he bowed a little tipping his hat, "I've always been with you, I gave you that named you." He moved Pinetree's bangs and places his fingers over the constellation birthmark.


"Yes, Starling. I saw how amazing you are even before you were born I have always been in your corner."

Pinetree was frozen in place, he mouth agape as he search for his voice.

But I found mine first, "Excuse me," I got his attention Tad turned his head to... look at me?

I can't see his eyes behind his hair, but his lips turned down in a frown and I knew his was looking at me but not meeting my eye.

"Cipher long time no see, I've heard you know about your past now. What will you do with information, I wonder?" he taunted.

"First I'm going to take what's mine out of your hands," I growled unable to look away from the hand that held Pinetree's waist, Tad's fingers tapping lightly against him.

He laughed and pulled Pinetree closer to him, "Take him from me? Cipher I am a Head, seat four, even if you were a Head one point in time you were still ranked lower than me. And what's yours? You think this is yours?" He cupped Pinetree's face and turned it to me.His eye was wide and his mouth parted lightly, he was practically screaming at me to do something. "Yours? This is mine. I named him he has the powers that he has because of me. Although I must thank you for waking them up for me, adding fire to his ability is fun. He's my creation, my toy. I will be taking him now. Have fun with this little planet."

They were gone before I could even reach the steps to my throne, "NOOO" I screamed tripping on the last step slaming my upper body on the throne. I gripped at my hair and screamed, emotions drowned me, I choked on them and screamed for air, I could feel myself slowly crumbling as I gave into the onslaught of thoughts and worried that hit my head like bullets.

In reality I could feel Ana crouch beside me trying to ask why, and trying to comfort me. But it didn't work. The Pain, the Anger, the Lost, the Fear. All of it was trying to drowned me and it was working...

"Bill?" I heard it, my sister call from what sounded like far away. The water had settled no longer storming, I had already drowned so what's the point?

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