The People(3)

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Bill POV

We set the humans down in chairs, we sat across from them, smiling kindly.

"What do you want?" One of the boys called out.

"To get to know you, how you met my Grunkle. The simple things." Pinetree answer leaning forwards putting his chin on the back of his hands.

"Why? Why do you care?" One of the girls pleaded, she had a hand holding tight to one of the men.

"I just do. Now first thing what is your names," He asked blowing over their questions and worries.

One boy gave me an odd look, "why haven't you spoke?"

"Not my place, not my family. And it's not your place to ask questions, you answer his." I growled and they all sat back a little at my tone.

"Thank you, now what are your names," he said giving me a smile.

"Ben, my name is Ben" the youngest looking one said with a detriment a angry look on his face.

"Max, and this is my wife Lain," one of the strongest looking men of the group, the look on his face told me he was an army vet, and that he viewed this as a hostage situation and was looking for a way out. The problem for him is that he would never find one.

"Rosely," The skittish girl whispered her head down hiding in her hair.

We both look to the last boy. He just stared blankly as us.

"Well what's your name?" Pinetree asked him.

"Oh you see, Kai is mute. He can't answer you unless you give him pen and paper," I snapped my fingers and a pen and paper, his face head shook, he stared at it.

"It won't bit you it's just a pen and paper," I laughed. He still only looked at it.

"Next question, Why are you all with my grunkle?" Pinetree lost him smile and sat back in his chair with his chin up in the air.

"He asked. I'm an old friend of his sister's husband, I was in town visiting him and meeting her when he showed up he told them and I what was going on. I asked if I could help and he said yes I've been traveling with him ever scene." said the Max kid, "We went to get my wife on the way home."

A shocked look covered Pinetree's face, "His- His sister..." he stuttered, something broke. The calm emotionless feeling went away he looked like himself again, it was like a haise and now it finally cleared and he was back to normal. "Did you get her name?" ((Ok I know that their dad is the one related to Stan and Ford but and I did write it that way but it was to confusing so I changed it to his mother. Also both his mother and father were never named so I get to make it up))

"I think he said that her name was... Mari or Mary... I don't really remember." he said pausing a little to think.

"Mary her name was Mary," Pinetree whispered but loud enough that everyone at the table heard him, "How was she... when he told them..." he head was down and his eyes were hidden behind his hair.

"They were both upset, they talked about their son and daughter, Mason and Mabel said they were twins... she was really worried. How do you know her? Why do you care?"

I growled already having warned them against asking us questions, but Pinetree answered anyway, "She's my mother you bitch of course I care!" he shouted standing. The movement started the others but I saw it coming.

Well more like felt it, I felt his anger in my chest before he exploded, it made me put a hand to my chest trying to calm myself.

"But Stan said that your name is Dipper, and she said her son's name was Mason." Max looked at Pinetree confused.

"My name is Mason, but my nickname is Dipper and everyone calls me that so it's what I've gone by for a long time. Mom was one of the only people that would call me Mason even after I got the nickname," he smiled a little at the last sentence.

"No way..." was Max's only response.

"What about the others?" Pinetree asked his head still down.

"We ran into them along the way, Ben was all alone in an upside down town, and we went looking for someone like his brother, someone that could help explain what was going on, that's when we found Rosely and Kai was already with Rosely, she wanted to see Gravity Falls for herself and they refused to leave her side so we let them join us." Max explained for the other at the table.

"I see," Pinetree once again stood from his chair, head still down, "Follow me." he command. We all stood from our chair to follow him back to the throne room.

I walked next to him with the humans following a couple feet behind us.

He brought us to the closed door than turned to face them, "I'm letting you go."

"Pinetree!" I spoke shocked not understanding why.

"Hush Bill, let me explain." he said to me than turned his gaze over my shoulder to the group of equally shocked people, "You all got roped in by my Grunkle," his eye locked on Max, "When he told you about us did he tell you that I had fallen in love with Bill, or that he had even helps us when Ford kidnapped me and my friend, Ford... did to us. Did he tell you that?" Max shook his head no, "well it's true. What I want from you all is to forget that you ever met Stan, But I also want you all to stay together, we are trying our best to keep the world in balance that way it is now I want you all to stop worrying. One last thing... could you go see my parents tell that I'm ok but... but tell them that Mabel died," He said and the group was quiet.

"But what will happen to Stan?" Rosely asked.

"Don't worry about him, it will all be normal soon, now do you promise that you'll do all of this for me?"

They all paused.

Lain looked to Max, he gave her a small nod and she looked back to us, "Yes"

"Bill can to send them to my parents house?" Pinetree asked.

I smiled at him and took his hand, "Of course, with the other hand I snapped my fingers and they were all gone, now at Pinetree's parents house.


I know it's short but I believe this is a good place to end the chapter. 

So I had one of you guys DM me talking about how I needed to take care of myself, even if that means I don't write for a little, and I have seen the comments you all leaving telling me to take care of myself. First I thank you all for worrying about me, but I have to respectfully refuse. Writing these books is one of my ways of caring for myself, I may be losing sleep but I never got much in the first place, now I'm just using that time to write. I've said it before but you guys make my day when you comment or even just read it. 

So I thank you all for caring and I promise that I'm ok, and that if things get really bad I promise to tell you and to take a break. but I don't think will do that because you guys and this book are my sense of sanity. If you want to DM me and ask whats going on I will talk about it, but no matter what happens I promise that I will continue to write. 

thank you all for reading, giving your time to my books. 

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