"Mom don't worry, we wouldn't do that," Gemma says, rolling her eyes lightheartedly.

Harry would be lying if he said the thought has never crossed his mind before. However, he still nods and smiles, hoping to bring some comfort to his mom.

"Okay we got to get you looking decent," Anne says smiling. "Gemma your clothes are in the room, I'll braid your hair when you're ready."

"Yes mama," Gemma quickly kisses Anne on the cheek before making her way in the room.

"I'll get you dolled up real quick, c'mon now." Anne urges her quiet child to follow her lead. She hands him their best pair dress pants and a white button-up that is far too big for his skimpy body. 

"Thanks," Harry smiles softly at her. Anne kisses Harry's forehead before leaving him alone to dress in privacy.

It doesn't take Harry long, and as soon as he finishes Gemma walks in wearing her usual pale blue dress.

"This was dad's when he was younger you know," Gemma points out, running her hand along the white shirt Harry was wearing.

Harry begins to speak but gets cut off by the eerily familiar whistle. "Now run along, I'll see you both after the reaping okay?" Anne asks. Both her children nod timidly. "I love you both."

"Love you too," Gemma and Harry say in unison.

"Okay run along," and with that she pushes her children out the door, preparing for the reaping herself.

Harry and Gemma grab each other's hands, walking towards town square. They were as close as siblings could be, and they were both thankful for each other. However, having another person to worry about at reaping was extremely nerve-wracking.

Once they made it to the sign-in and blood taking lines, they had to part. Gemma hugs Harry tightly before walking over to the girl's side. Harry sadly watches her walk away, feeling an ache in his heart.

It happens every time.

Harry stays quiet, not even making a sound when they stick a needle in his finger. Once he's counted for, he silently walks to his spot and waits there for Liam. 

"Harry, hi!" Liam says, trying to put on a cheery face for the both of them. 

"Hi Liam," Harry says, trying to put on a smile for his best mate.

"You look a bit nervous there mate," Liam says, attempting to start a conversation to distract his mind.

"A bit, yeah," Harry mumbles, giving Liam yet another nervous smile. "How many times are you in?"

Liam counts on his fingers, "8 times you?"

Harry's gaze adverts to the ground, "27." 

Liam just pats his friend on the back. "No worries mate."

They're interrupted by a tapping on the microphone, and they see the announcer, Effie. She's in her usual extravagant clothing- a bold purple dress, makeup, and hair.

People from the Capital were always too out there. Was it really necessary to get their skin dyed?

"Welcome, welcome all to the 94th annual Hunger Games! As you all must already know, today at this very reaping, we will be selecting two very brave, honorable tributes to represent District Twelve in this year's games!" Effie says in her unbearable high-pitched enthusiastic voice.

"But first we have a video brought to you all the way from the Capital!" Just then, from behind Effie, a video is projected on the wall.

'War terrible War' it begins as it always has. Two failed rebellions, this is the districts price to pay, blah blah blah. 

Harry fiddles with his fingers instead of paying attention to the scolding video. He already knew it's point- to scare them. Plus he's watched it for years now.

The video finishes up shortly and Effie turns around, her violet-purple jewelry jingling along with her.

"One boy, and one girl. Twenty- four go in and one comes out with all the fame, glory, and money anyone could possibly wish for! Oh yes! and remember may the odds be ever in your favor!"

Effie takes a long pause, trying to be dramatic.

"So let us begin, as usual ladies first." Effie walks up to the girl's bowl and reaches her hand in, feeling around for a while before pulling a slip of paper out.

Effie walks back over the microphone and opens the piece of paper. She glances down at it and clears her throat loudly.

"Gemma Styles."

Harry feels his body go hot.

Murmurs spread across the girl's side, all of them looking for Gemma's face. Most of them share subtle smiles, glad it's not them. 

"Darling come on up," Effie says. Gemma, composed, as usual, puts on a brave face and walks her way up to the center of the stage, peacekeepers on either side of her.

 "Give it up for Gemma!" Effie says smiling, clapping her hands happily.

No one claps.

Effie brushes herself off and mumbles, "very well then," before shouting, "and now for the boys."

She walks up to the boy's bowl and Gemma finds Harry's eyes in the crowd. She knows exactly what he's thinking. They're so close it seems they could read each other's minds.

"Don't," she mouths to Harry. He ignores her, getting ready for what was about to happen. Effie walks over to the microphone and unwraps the paper carefully.

"Kevin DaPigion."

Whispers erupt and Harry sees the peacekeepers walking towards a dark-haired boy.

"Take care of my mom, okay?" Harry says quietly to Liam.

"What? what are you talking about," he says quietly back.

"Make sure my mom's okay, promise me right here right now that you will look after her," Harry looks Liam deep in the eyes and Liam nods. With that Harry takes a deep breath in before, with a somewhat shaky voice, yelling, "I volunteer!"

It seems as if the district got even quieter than it was just moments before, everyone looks at him, none of them believing their own ears. Did he just volunteer?

Harry more clearly and forcefully says, "I volunteer as tribute."

Gemma now has tears streaming down her face, whispering something to herself. Liam starts crying too. This time the peacekeepers escort the Kevin boy away, and Harry up onto the stage.

"Name darling?" Effie asks, her voice still too happy for Harry's liking.

"Harry Styles."

Effie looks at Harry, then to Gemma, then back to Harry. "I bet my hat that you're related," she states.

"Yes," Gemma answers quickly

"Yes," Harry echos.

"This year's tributes from District Twelve! Gemma and Harry Styles! Go on now shake hands!" Effie says stepping back.

They don't however, shake hands, Gemma ends up flinging herself into Harry's arms. Harry hears her mumbling something into his shoulder, but he doesn't make it out.

No matter what she said, it wouldn't change a thing. The rules are absolute.

Gemma lets go, her face wet and her eyes red. Harry's shirt is stained with Gemma's tears and he looks on the verge of crying as well.

"Well, we wish you both the best of luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor."

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