16. titans and titanides

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*i'm here going to list all other titans, so the ones not born from ouranos and gaea*

- asteria: titaness of nocturnal oracles and falling stars

- astraeus: titan of dusk, stars, planets and astrology

- atlas: the titan forced to carry the sky and the general of kronos' army

- aura: titaness of the breeze and morning air

- clymene: titaness or renown, fame and infamy, wife of iapetus

- dione: titaness of the oracle of dodona

- helios: titan of the sun

- selene: titaness of the moon

- eos: titaness of dawn

- epimetheus: titan of afterthought

- eurybia: titaness of mastery of the seas, consort of krios

- eurynome: titaness of water meadows and pasture lands, mother to the three charities

- lelantos: titan father of the nymph aura

- leto: titaness of motherhood, mother of artemis and apollo

- menoetius: titan of violent anger, rash action and human mortality

- metis: titaness of good counsel, advice, planning, cunning, craftiness and wisdom, mother of athena

- ophion: elder titan

- pallas: titan of warcraft

- perses: titan of destruction

- prometheus: titan of forethought and crafty counsel, and creator of mankind

- styx: titaness of the river styx and the personification of hatred. 

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